Chapter 66

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I arrive at the airport in Madrid after a few hours. Isabella was asleep the entire flight which is amazing. I grab our bag, and we walk out to the exit. I take a taxi to the apartment. It's a rainy day in Madrid, so I try and hurry as quick as I can.

We get to the apartment and I greet the doorman. It's been forever since I've seen him, he's always been so kind. I make it into the apartment, and as I walk in I'm reminiscent of the last time I was here, and how much things have changed. I set the bag down and carry Isa over to the living room. I feed her and change her diaper. I'm not sure how long I'll be here, and I need to plan for a few days. I need diapers and formula and a few other things. Suddenly I get a call to my phone.

Joao 🐣


hey Nani! It's joao. Why didn't you tell me you were in Madrid?

Huh? How do you-

Remember we set up the ring camera, it notifies me when someone's there. I saw you a few minutes ago.

Ohhh right. Sorry, it was very last minute.

Can I come over? I've missed you so much!

Sure, I'll be here.

Okay, adios.

Adiós joao.

I completely forgot that I had left joao in charge of the apartment. While I have my phone, I check to see if Pablo or Pedro have reached out...nothing. Whatever. I see what their priorities are.

A few minutes pass, and I get a knock at the door.
"Don't move" I smile as I say to Isabella. I set her down on the carpet, but surround it with pillows so she won't roll around.

I walk over to the door and double check that it's joao before opening. I open the door and he pulls me into the biggest hug ever.
"I've missed my best friend so much!" He says.
"I missed you too Joao" I smile back.

I let him inside, and we walk to the living room.
"Oh my, look how big she is already. My beautiful niece, just like her mother" he winks at me, as he leans over and looks at Isa. She smiles back at him.
"Can I pick her up?" He asks. I nod. He grabs her and sits beside me on the sofa.
I watch as he gently touches her cheeks and as she grabs his fingers.

"So, what brings you to Madrid?" He turns to look at me.
"No reason" I lie.
"Nani, I know when you're lying. Your cheeks flush a slight red" he laughs.
"Ugh. Okay. But promise not to tell anyone" I finally give in.
"I would never" be replies.

I begin to tell him everything that's been going on. I know Joao, I know he won't go around telling anyone. I trust him.

"Wow. Nani, i can't believe this is happening. I mean Gavi doesn't seem like the type to act this way. I understand everything that happened with Marco, and I know being a footballer is stressful but he shouldn't shut you out this way" he shakes his head.
"I didn't know what else to do, except come here" I say.
"Nani, don't cry" he wipes my tears.
"Look, space is good. I think it's good that you came. Maybe he needs some space of his own. I'm sure things will work out, you two are meant to be" he smiles.
"I hope so" I reply.


Around lunchtime, we planned to order some food to bring home. I also needed a few things from the store. I didn't want anyone to recognize me, and see us together so joao agreed to go out on his own. I made a list, and in the meantime cleaned up around the house. I fed Isabella and set her down for a nap.

delpaez572,284 likesalways sleeping with Marco's stuffy 🧸🤍

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always sleeping with Marco's stuffy 🧸🤍

When joao returns, I help him set the table and we have lunch together. We catchup on everything else that's been happening. His millionth breakup with Maggui for example. He has a good heart, which is why I know it's hard for him to let go.

"So how long do you plan to stay?"
"I'm not sure. I was thinking the entire week. Plus I have Mateo next week, and I can't miss it" I reply.
"That's true. But ooh you should come out to training one day, I know the guys would love to see you" he smiles.
"I'd like that. I do miss Rodrigo and messing with him" I laugh.
"Great. I'll keep it as a surprise for tomorrow" he replies.
"Will you be okay alone? Should I stay with you? I Can sleep in the guest room"
I shrug, "up to you".
"I'll stay. I know you have a lot going on. It's probably best I don't leave you alone" he smiles.
"Gracias joao" I hug him.

We finish eating, and he helps me clean the kitchen while I unpack the things he bought. A mini crib to keep in the room for Isa, some diapers and wipes, and he even picked out a few clothes for her.

We sit in the sofa, and by this time Isabella has woken up. We choose a movie and watch it together in the living room. Isabella is becoming more aware of people and her surroundings, and she's living joao. It also gives me a small break.

I get her ready for a bath, and change her into her pjs. I feed her one last time for the day and rock her to sleep. I have joao keep an eye on her while I take a shower. Since Pablo had been coming home late, I can't remember the last time I was able to enjoy a nice long shower.

Once I'm done, I change into sweats and a tank top, and walk out to dry my hair. Joao calls me to the living room, where he has popcorn and a movie ready to start.
"Welcome to a night of relaxation" he smiles as he hands me a bowl of popcorn.
"This is amazing, thank you" I smile. I sit beside him, and pull a blanket for the both of us. We turn the lights off, leaving only a candle on, and get ready to enjoy the night.

I check my phone, still no message from Pablo.

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