chapter 13

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Delaney POV
After the game, Pedri and I agreed to meet at his house. I walked with Lena towards the parking lot, as we walked out everyone smiled and cheered pedris name when they saw me. I saw got a lot of glares from others. I shrugged it off and walked quickly to the car.

"Should I wait for Joao to get here for you?" I said to Lena putting my things in my car.
"Oh there he comes actually" she said as we looked over to see a glaring Joao.
"Hey, you played great. Don't worry" Lena said giving him a hug.
I walked over to them to try and console Joao as well.
"Yeah, you played incredible. I'm sorry you're upset" I said hugging him. He hugged me back tight. I laughed,
"Okay I have to go now" I smiled backing away.
"Yeah, she has to go meet her boyfriend" Lena smirked
Joao rolled his eyes and laughed, "yeah we'll see how long that lasts" he said putting his bag in his car.

"Don't be a douche" I said back
"Just saying, you're beautiful and a kind girl, he needs to make sure no one steals you from him" he smirked
"Well thanks? For the compliment. But pedri and I will be fine, I've waited for this moment forever" I smiled
"Yeah sure have fun" he said sarcastically. I said my goodbyes and got in the car to drive off.

I got to Pedris house and didn't see his car out front, so I assumed he wasn't here yet. I waited in the car in the meantime. I pulled out my phone and saw I had some notifications.

Mama 💗

Hola hija, saw the match on tv. Congratulations to you and Pedri. I'm so happy you two decided to go out. 🙂

Gracias Mamá. Me too, I'm so happy. I'm at Pedris house now. I'll be home later.

See you soon.

Gavi 💛

Heyy Nani. Thank you for coming to the game today. And I'm glad you and pedri finally admitted your feelings. 😭 fyi he did know about yk me and you, but let's not make it weird. You and I are still best friends and only friends. and i will respect your relationship with him.

hey Pablo 💛💛. I really appreciate that. :) you're the best. Te quiero🙂 I'll see you soon.

Pedri POV
Delaney and decided to meet each other at my house. I got to my car and drove off. As I was driving I realized I hadn't really asked her parents first. I pulled over to the side of the road and called her dad.


Hola Mr.Casillas. Cómo está?

Hi Pedro, I'm good. How are you, I hope the game went well. I didn't get to watch it, I was traveling.

It was great. We win 2-1 actually. Very happy.

That's great I'm glad, is everything else okay?

It is. Actually I just wanted to call to ask you something. And normally I would do this in person but...


Well I would love to ask your daughter out. Actually I already have but I still wanted to make sure it was okay. I asked her out during the match.
He laughed

Well, since I'm assuming she said yes. I'm going to say okay. I like you Pedro, and I trust you. I hope it stays that way.

Yes sir, of course. You know I'll take good care of her.

Thank you, i have to go now, I'll see you soon.

See you soon sir.
I smiled, well that was easy. I set my phone down and continued to drive home.

Delaney POV
I was sitting in my car scrolling through Instagram, and I saw a car pull up behind me. I would recognize that Green Mini Cooper anywhere, Pedri. I got out of the car and walked over. He smiled as he got out.
"There's my beautiful girlfriend" he smiled as we hugged and I kissed him.
"I'm gonna love saying that now" I laughed at his comment
We held hands as we walked inside.
"I still can't believe you did that" I smiled sitting down next to him on the couch.
"To be honest I've really liked you ever since we met. I always assumed you and Gavi would end up together so I was to nervous to make a move"
"Well Gavi and I have always just been friends. And honestly I've always really liked you, but even more we met" i laughed. He blushed.
"Eh I had a small feeling, I saw your told Instagram messages to me" he laughed
"Pedro! Why didn't you tell me. That's so embarrassing" I said hiding behind a pillow
"Nope, it was cute" he smiled moving the pillow and kissing my cheek. I shook my head and playfully smacked him.
"Woah that isn't acceptable" he smirked and began to tickle me. I laughed as I tried to defend myself.
"Pedri!" I continued laughing, I pushed his hands away and planted a kiss in his lips to get him to stop.
He smiled and kissed me back. Our lips moved perfectly and I felt butterflies. Something I had never felt before, i could tell this kiss meant something. I moved myself and sat on his lap facing him. He places his hands on my waist. I slowly tugged in his hair and ran my fingers through his hair. I wanted more, and I couldn't tell he did too.

"Hey, maybe we should slow down. I really want to do this but i don't want it to feel like we're moving too fast. I want to make our first time special" he smiled.
That was the most perfect thing he could say. I nodded and kissed him one last time.

"Want to order some pizza and we can stay in and watch a movie?" He asked
"Sure, I'll order the pizza" I said grabbing my phone
"Okay, let me go take a quick shower. I stink" he said getting up

Pedri came back from the shower, and walked over to lay on the couch. I laid on top of him and we chose a movie while the pizza got here.


After eating and we continued watching the movie.
"I can't believe you had never watched this before" he said
"Yeah yeah whatever" I laughed
"Good thing you have me so I can educate you" he laughed back
"Well I'm glad this is the first time I watched it and it was with you" I smiled grabbing his arm.
"Me too"

I realized it was dark outside already, so I grabbed my phone to check the time. 8:00pm.
"It's late, I think I have to go home" I said getting up
"What if you stay?" He pouted
"Please" he continued pouting
"Fine, I'll stay" i smiled
"Yay" he said pulling me back in top of him as we chose another movie.

I loved going out to clubs and parties, but it was nice for once to stay in and do nothing. I know pedri isn't much of someone who likes to go out. He prefers to stay inside, which was okay. I was starting to like when it was just us two. But I also had to teach him how to party. I smiled at the thought.


By now the movie was over and it was even later. I yawned as I got up to grab some water.
"Tired yet?" Pedri said stretching. I nodded.
"Let's go to bed then" he said. We both got up and cleaned up the living room and kitchen. We turned off the lights and headed to his room.

"Here, you can wear my shirt if you want to change" he said handing me a tshirt. I slid off my jeans and top.
I put his shirt on and stayed in my underwear. I got into bed and cuddled up close to him to stay warm.

"I'm so happy" I said smiling
"Me too" he kissed me and wrapped his arm around me
"Goodnight Pedro" I said
"Goodnight princesa" he whispered as we fell asleep. 

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