chapter 16

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2 weeks later
Delaney POV
I woke up to the annoying sound of my doorbell. I sighed before getting up. I looked through the window and noticed it was Lena. I opened the door and she jumped right at me to hug me.
"Buenos dias!" She smiled
"Hey Lena, you're happy today" I laughed as I closed the door behind her
"Well I have some amazing news" she said sitting on my couch
"Please do tell, because i would love to share your energy right now" I said yawning
"Well so you know how you've always liked to do photography and such. Well I got you a small gig" she squealed
"Oh wow! That's amazing, with who or what?" I said now getting excited
"That's the catch" she said looking nervously
"Just say it" by now I was getting impatient
"Well Joao told me that atlético is having a training session and they would like some videos and photos taken. As well as during their match. Their current photographer is out on an emergency" she said quickly
"Oh wow. That would be amazing" I said shocked
"Yes, and it works out great because it'll be for their training prior to their game with Espanyol. So it'll be right here in Barcelona. You won't even have to travel far" she smiled
"Yea that's even better. Of course I'll accept the offer" I smiled standing up to hug Lena
"That's great. I'll let Joao know" she said pulling out her phone to I assume text him.

"Let's hope Pedri doesn't mind" she said laughing
"Why would he? I'm not doing it for joao. I'm
doing it for me. And either way he should trust me, and know I wouldn't do anything" I said walking towards the kitchen
"Mhmm. Your novio can be a little excessive and jealous" she replied
"Well he should trust me. If he doesn't then what's the point" I sighed.
"I'm gonna go get dressed for the day. I'll be back" I said walking to my room to take a quick shower.


After my shower and getting dressed I walked over to the kitchen to make some breakfast.
"Want some avocado toast?" I said to Lena
"Sure" she replied walking over to sit at the stool.
I made a quick smoothie to go with the toast. I served us both and sat next to Lena.

Just as I was about to take a bite I got a call.

Joao Felix


Hola Delaney. It's joao

Yes joao i can see it's you. I laughed.

Oh, sorry. He laughed. I'll be quick, I need to get to practice but I just got a text from Lena and she said you accept the gig.

Yes! I'm so excited. Thank you for letting me do this. It's been one of my goals.

Of course! It'll be great. Hopefully your boyfriend is fine with you coming near me. He laughed

Well he knows this is one of my goals so he should be understanding. And I don't need his permission, he should trust I wouldn't do anything with you.

Hey, tell that to him. Not me. Anyways, the team will be flying over tonight so be ready tomorrow to come film us. I'll text you the address.

Okay sounds good. Thanks Joao.

See you tomorrow.

I hung up and placed my phone on the counter.
"I told you, everyone knows pedri won't be happy." Lena laughed
"I hope he tries to be at least. This is one of my dreams I'm not turning it down" I sighed
We finished up breakfast and walked over to the living room. We watched tv for a bit before Lena had to go.

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