chapter 35

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the next day.
Gavi POV
I woke up around 6am to the sound of crying. I rubbed my eyes and got up to see Mateo crying. I looked over at Delaney who was sound asleep. I walked over towards the small crib to try and calm him down.

"What's wrong lindó?" I whispered picking him up
He continued to cry as I tried to rock him to sleep. The nurse had prepared a few bottles already, so I grabbed one and took Mateo out to the hallway so he wouldn't wake Delaney.

"Thats all you wanted, huh?" I cooed as I walked around the halls. I rocked him as I tried my best to soothe him.

I hadn't realized how amazing it was to be the father to a baby. I knew he wasn't mine deep down, but that didn't matter to me. I loved him like my own.

"Omg is that Gavi?!" I heard someone yell. I paused and slowly looked up.
"Gavi!!" They yelled. I signaled for them to quiet down as they walked over towards me.
Mateo squirmed as I tried to calm him down and put him back to sleep.
"Hello, its nice to meet you" I smiled
"Hi! Can I get a picture please?" She said
"Um sure. But could you try not to get my son in the picture. I would really appreciate that" I replied. She nodded and turned her phone to take a picture. I tried my best to cover Mateo.

"Awh hes so adorable" she smiled looking at him.
"Yeah he is" I replied
"To be honest, we all thought you'd eventually say you were kidding and he wasn't your son. You know how crazy fans can be. Do you know if he's really your son?" She said looking at me confused
"Who's we? And of course he is. Hes mine. Im sorry i dont appreciate those questions. I have to go, it was nice meeting you" I said shaking my head as I walked back to the room.

Mateo had finally fallen back asleep, I walked in and walked over to sit on the couch as I held him in my arms.
"I dont care what anyone says, Mateo. You're my son" I smiled kissing his cheek.


Delaney POV
I woke up around 8am, and slowly got up to check on Mateo. I looked over and realized he wasnt in his crib, I turned over to Gavi and saw him asleep with Mateo in his arms. I smiled and watched how peaceful they looked.

Just then the nurse came in, "Buenos dias. Just coming to check how the night went" she smiled.
"It went great. Hes been good so far, only woke up a few times" I replied sitting back in the bed.
"Thats great! And his health all looks great so you're all set to be discharged. Just give us some time to finish up the paperwork, and you're all set to go" she replied. I nodded as she walked back out. Gavi woke up as she closed fhe door behind her.

"Buenos Dias" he whispered as he slowly got up
"Buenos dias, you looked comfortable" I smiled
"He woke up a few hours ago, and I guess I fell asleep while trying to rock him" he laughed. He walked over and placed Mateo on the small crib.

He then walked over to sit next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder. "Can you believe that I Pablo Martin Páez Gavira am technically a father" he smiled
"No I definitely cant believe it" I replied
"Im just glad its you who im doing this with" he said kissing my forehead
"Could you be any more sweet?" I blushed

We began to get ready so we could leave as soon as the nurse brought the discharge papers. I walked over to the bathroom to change while Gavi packed our backpack.

I walked back out and the nurse was already in the room with Gavi handing him the forms.
"Please call us if tou have any issues or something doesn't seem right. But I think you're all good for now" she said
"Thank you all for everything" he replied
"Of course, have a nice day. Congratulations" she smiled looking at me
"Thank you" I replied

I packed the papers into the bag and Gavi grabbed Mateo to put him into the car seat.
"Time to go home Mateo" he smiled as he buckled him in. He grabbed the seat and we walked out of the room. It was quiet today, which was a good thing. We walked out towards the exit.

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