Chapter 69

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Delaney POV
It was the next day by now. We spent most of the morning sleeping after the long trip. I haven't told Pablo yet that we're here, i wanted to surprise him. We spent the night at Joaos grandmothers home, where she let us stay the night. I planned to leave Isabella with my parents and meet Pablo at the ceremony, i know how much it would mean to him if I was there. Unfortunately children aren't allowed, but we'll meet up with Isabella and mateo later on.

I shower and get dressed. I choose a black silk dress and straighten my hair out. It's been forever since I've dressed up, and i feel so amazing.

 It's been forever since I've dressed up, and i feel so amazing

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"Okay, I'm ready. I-"
"Oh wow. Nani you look incredible" joao smiles as I enter the room.
"Aw gracias" i smile. He holds Isabella in his arms.
"I should get going then. I don't want to be late. Thanks for everything, I'll see you around?"
"Of course. We should get together again before I have to head back" he smiles, pulling me into a hug.

I grab Isabella's car seat and walk outside to where Douglas is picking me up. I had called him over to he could take me back to my parents house.

When we arrive, i knock at the door and am greeted by my mother. She gives me the biggest hug ever.
"You're so beautiful hija" she smiles with tears in her eyes.
"Mami, don't cry" i laugh.
"Come in, come in. Im so excited to spend the afternoon with Isa. Thanks for letting us watch her" she says.
"Thanks for watching her" i smile back.

I spend some time with them before heading back out. Douglas drives me over to the city, where the gala will be held. I pull out my phone to text Pablo, so he won't suspect anything.

Pablo POV
"So you know what you'll say if you win now?" My agent tells me.
"What? Sorry i didn't pay attention" i sigh, leaning back on the bus seat.
"Pablo, relax. Don't be nervous" Pedro laughs as he playfully shoves me.

Since he won last year, he'll be handing out this years award.
"Sorry, I'm just thinking of other things" i reply.
"Let's take a break than" my agent suggests.
"Sorry she isn't here Pablo. But i know she's still so proud of you" he smiles.
"Gracias" i smile back.

My phone vibrates and i check to see who it is.

Princesa ❤️

hola Pablo, how are you feeling? are you on the way yet?

hola princesa, yes we're almost there. im nervous i guess

im sure you'll win. you deserve it more than anyone

i guess so

what's wrong?

i told you, i don't care about any award. all I care about is you and our children. i would rather be with you all together, as a family. te extraño :(

im sorry pablo, i don't know what to say

i know. It was my fault. i just want you to know how I feel

te amo pablo. I'll be cheering you the entire way

te amo princesa

I sigh before putting my phone in my pocket. We arrive at the gala, and are escorted out. Since it's in Barcelona this year, we came already dressed. The paparazzi turns and begins to take photos and try to stop us for questions. I follow Pedro as we walk across the carpet. I'm still nervous and all I can think about is Delaney and the kids. I do my best to not look too depressed.


We finished the last touches on our hair and makeup before the ceremony was about to begin. Pedro and i were backstage still preparing. Eventually we're called out to our seats. I sit beside Pedri who sits beside lewandowski. I look around as the seats begin to fill.

The ceremony begins, and i still can't help but feel nervous. I'm just going to wing it if I do win. Pedro smiles to me as he walks up on stage to announce the winner. I take a feel breath and close my eyes.

"The winner is...GAVI!" Pedri and the other person say. I smile and stand up. I can't believe this right now. I make my way up onstage where Pedri and i hug. I walk to the podium to give my small speech.

I'm looking around the auditorium, and suddenly my eyes stop. She gives me a small smile and waves. It's her. It's my wife. I can't believe it. I forget everything I was going to say and just say whatever comes first. I just want to run over there and hug her.

"And lastly of course thank you to my family. My parents and sister, for always being there through my childhood to get me here. And now to my beautiful and amazing wife. I couldn't do this without her. She is my second half. My two beautiful children, Mateo and Isabella. And our Angel who watches over us, Marco. They are my entire world and this award is also for them. Los amo. Y Visça barca. Buenas noches" i smile as I step off the stage and to the back.

"She's here Pedri! She's here!" I say with tears in my eyes. Eventually she appears, i run over to her and take her I to my arms. Almost dropping the award.

"Amor. I can't believe you came! Te amo, te amo, te amo. Gracias" i cry as I hold her in my arms.
"Te amo Pablo. Im so so proud of you. I'll always be here for you" she smiles and leans in to give me a kiss.

For a moment it feels like just the two of us in the building. I wish this would never end.
"I promise I'll never hurt you again" i say to her as she wipes my tears.
"Let's head out of here. I just want to be with you" i say. She nods as I grab her by the hand and we sneak out through the back.

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