Chapter 32

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the next morning.
Delaney POV
I got up early  today since my flight back to Madrid  was around 9am. I felt bad making evryone leave, so I let them stay for another day at the beach house.

I got up to shower and got ready. I walked back into the room where Gavi was already sitting up.
I walked over and stood in front of him.

"Im ready" I pouted
He sighed and held my hands. "I cant wait for the day where we dont have to say goodbye" he replied.
"I know, hopefully soon. But at least by the time the baby comes the leagues will be on break, and we'll get to spend much more time together" I said caressing his face. He nodded.

"I'm going to go say bye to everyone, while you get ready" I said walking out the door.

I quietly knocked on the room where Ansu and Eric slept in. There was no response, so I just walked in.

"Buenos dias" I said poking Ansu
"Hey" he smiled yawning
"Sorry to wake you, I just wanted to say goodbye before I left" I smiled.
"Ugh sucks that you're leaving already. We were just starting to have a good time" he pouted.
"I know, ilk miss you all" I said hugging him
"Take care, see you soon" he said. I nodded as he went back to bed.

I walked over to the other bed where Eric was. It took him awhile to wake up but he eventually gave in.
"Okay okay im up" he laughed.
"Sorry, just wanted to say goodbye" I laughed
"Its okay. Ill miss you, take good care of yourself and the baby" he smiled hugging me
"I will" I replied

I walked back out and quietly shut the door. Now walking over to the next room where Pedri was. When I walked in, he was sitting up starting out the window.
"Hey" I said knocking quietly
"Oh hey, Buenos dias" he said turning around
"Couldn't sleep?" I said walking closer to him
"Just have a few things on my mind" he replied
"Oh, well I hope you clear things up" I said
"Im sure they will. Are you heading out?" He said looking back out the window
"Yeah, just wanted to say goodbye"
"Oh okay" he replied
"Pedro, could you at least try to make things work, and not be awkward" I said shaking my head
"Im sorry it just all happened so soon" he replied
"Okay, I understand. But you were the one who-"
"Look, i dont need a lecture right now. Please just give me time" he replied
"Okay. Im sorry." I said. I walked over and gave him a small hug, which he didn't return.

I sighed walking out of the room.

Ferran and Sira were still asleep in thr living room. I moved Sira a bit so she would wake up.
"Hey, I was just going to say goodbye. Sorry to wake you" I said
"Buenos dias. Its okay. Ill miss you so so much. Please come back soon, or I'll fly down or anything" she said getting up to hug me
"Of course, we'll see each other before you know it" I replied. Ferran was woken by the noise and got up to give me a hug.
"Please call me if you need anything, let is know. Either myself or Sira will go if Gavi cant" ferran said
"I will, dont worry" I smiled.

I grabbed my few things and got ready to walk out. Gavi followed behind me, and Douglas was already outside waiting.

We got into the car and drove off towards the airport.
"Your suitcases are already packed and in the trunk miss" douglas said
"Thank you" I replied

I leaned my head on Gavis shoulder and held his arm. He rubbed my hand as we looked out the window.


When we got to the airport, Gavi helped me with my luggage. Douglas followed behind us to make sure there weren't any issues, and so Gavi could make it back to the car without a crowd.

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