chapter 29

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The next day.
Delaney POV
Last night after Gavi and I hung out, we came back to my parents to spend time with Martin and Lucas. We hung out and watched movies with them and Gavi later went home. He had a team meeting early morning before the match with Atlético.

Today I woke up early as well to go meet with the team. There wasn't practice but Diego Simeone always liked to take the team out to breakfast the morning of the away games.

I got up and got ready like usual. I got dressed and walked downstairs to grab my belongings. Everyone was still asleep so I quietly walked out and had Douglas accompany me with the driver to the hotel where all the atlético players were staying.

I never understood how fans easily found out where the players were, it was only 8am and there was already a large crowd outside of the hotel. We parked the car and I grabbed my bag. Douglas walked close by me and led me towards the entrance. We quickly tried to walk in and passed the crowd.

"Don't ruin Gavis career"
"Wait why are you here"

I shook my head but smiled as we walked inside.
"Thanks Douglas, you can wait here in lobby if you'd like" I smiled as it finally quieted down. He nodded. I walked over to the conference room the hotel had and Diego simeone along with a few of the players were already there. I walked over to greet them and found a seat.

"Buenos días" I heard someone say, I turned around to see Joao.
"Hey you" I replied. He took a seat next to me while we waited for everyone else.
I watched as he smiled at his phone and set it down.
"Oooh who's making us blush" i smirked
"No one" he smirked back
"Wow it hurts that you're not honest with me" I joked, he shook his head.
"It's just a girl I met the other day. It wasn't anything serious but I actually really like her" he smiled.
"Well I hope she makes you happy, and I hope to meet her one day" I smiled back. He nodded.

I grabbed my phone to text Gavi.

Pablo 💗

Buenos días lindo :)

Buenos días princesa

Sorry I didn't call you. I ran out the door to the team breakfast

That's okay. 🙂 I'm jealous, I'm starving over here


The guys on the team are all very excited about the baby. I'm happy.

Aw that's so sweet. I'm happy too :)

I can't wait to see you later. We'll have pregame conferences and such so but maybe I can see you between them, can you come?

I wish, I have to film a few things with the guys before the game as well :( sorry

That's okay. I'll see you during the game. Send me the seat number you have so I can look for you.

Okay. Buena suerte, te quiero :)

Y yo a ti :)

I set my phone down.

"Buenos días!" Someone said as they covered my eyes. I already knew it was Rodrigo.
"Rodrigo, your hands smell like culo please move them" I laughed
Joao and the guys around laughed and Rodrigo moved my chair to face him.
"And to think we got you a gift" he smirked
"What? What do you mean?" I said
"Mhmm" he smiled
"Rodri could you ever not ruin a surprise" Joao laughed
"Im sorry, that was mean" I smiled getting up to hug Rodrigo.

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