My Student

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     A beautiful girl is walking through the streets with her headphone on .She is wearing a hoodie and Black Jean .She stop near the gate and look up to the name .

" Seoul University"

She close her eyes and breath in .It was her dream to complete her dream course in this university and she achieve it.She look down and smiled a little to herself .

               She turn the volume up and walked through the corridors of the university without bothering the stares of students . While walking to the office she saw a bunch people gathered, but she ignored it and went to office and pick her time table .

                       All the students has reach the class even before time because of thier excitement for new journey. she walk in without glancing at anyone and sat in the only seat which is empty.She sat there and glanced around the class and saw all students looking at her with curious looks .She just close her eyes and turn off her music .

               Suddenly whole class become silent and she hear whole class gasping .She opened her eyes to meet with a gorgeous man who looking straight to her cat eyes .She didn't care for his unrealistic features but all other girls did .But his eyes glanced whole class and stuck with her.

"Good morning students, so i am Kim Taehyung,your class tutor"

Other girls squeled silently hearing his deep voice .All boys were jealous of his voice and beauty.His eyes were stuck in her direction who is least bothered by his beauty .All class introduced one by one .it's now her chance .

" Hey, next is you"

The boy next to her poked her shoulder.She put down her earphone to her table and walked to Taehyung with no expression.Her cat eyes which is void of any emotions made him more curious.

" Hey there ms , can you kindly remove your hoodie from head so we can clearly see you"

She just nodded and took them off from her head and boys gasp in awe .Her long silky hair, piercing cat eyes,dumbling cheeks , slightly red plum lips can see more freely. Taehyung can feel his heart beating fast.

" I am Jennie Ruby Jane , completed my High school in Newzealand."

Taehyung was looking at her nonstop .All are looking at her to continue.

"That's it "

"About your family"

She look straight into his eyes

" Nothing interesting, dad ,mom and me "

Her eyes told him to stop this nonsense questions.He was holding his breath during all stare session.

" Thank you ,Ms.Jane"

"Thankyou ,"

She walked to her seat and sat there.Taehyung start to explain all rules and regulations in university.

" From next day ,our class will start .All the best for your academic years"

All class started walk out . Taehyung focused on Jennie who put her hoodie back to her head and collected her belongings.She put her earphone on and walk out without glancing at anyone .

" Mysterious beauty "

He smirked and leave the class .He smiled at himself while sitting in his office.Suddenly his trance is broken by knocks .His friend and colleague Yoongi sit infront of him.

Y:Hey Taehyung, how was your first day?

V: it's amazing

Y: oh , but why are smiling like this ,it's creepy

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