Cupid 💘

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Jennie was trying to make a new choreography for her upcoming evaluation. She is exhausted and totally drained out. She just wants to run to her mom and hide in her embrace.She stops the song and sits in her practice room. She closed her eyes to collect herself. She was so depressed after these years .She has been training for three years and there is still no news about debuting . She felt more depressed because she couldn't contact her mom when she needed to . Suddenly someone sat beside her .

" hey nini , are you ok ?"

She looks to her side to see her best friend mino who looking at her .she gave him a sad smile . He gently grab her shoulder and her head placed on his shoulder. After some time he heard her sobs . He didn't uttered a word . Just stay there silently giving her comfort.After some time he made her face him.

" Nini don't stress yourself, just try to loosen up little. Your hard work is going to pay off one day "

Jennie gave him a smile which filled with gratitude . He gave her a side hug . Both of them stand up that's when hanbin brag into there .

" yah nini , YG papa is calling you "

Her heart beat increased due to anxious.She started to fiddle with her fingers , hanbin grabbed her hand with assuring smile .

" it's gonna be ok , he was in happy mood .I think it's a good news "

Mino nodded to her .She went to YG's cabin while Mino and hanbin strolled with her to give her assurance. When she reach infront of cabin they both gave her a encouraging smile . She entered into cabin to see gd . She raised a eyebrow at him , he smiled back .They both know each other after Jennie acted in his mv .

" Oh Jennie kim , take a seat "

She silently sat beside gd while nervously glancing at YG .YG gave her a sweet smile.

" yah gd please hold her , I think this girl can handle the surprise "

Gd laughed out while Jennie shifted uncomfortably infront of them .

" so ms.jennie kim , will you like to feature on our beloved gd's new song named black "

Jennie gasped and look at gd who is looking at her with wide smile .That was adorable, her reaction was so adorable for them .she nodded in a heartbeat. It's her chance to show case her talent .

" so let's do it , jen "

Jennie smiled and bowed both of them and went outside like wind . Both gd and YG stood up and went to outside to see . Three of them hugging each other and jumbing in happiness.

" This three idiots is same to same from the day started bonding with each other "

Gd snorted at YG's comment .

" Thre is correction YG papa , three talented idiots "

Both of them laughed at that and saw three of them skipping to thier practice room , while Jennie is practically not touching the ground because of her gaint besties carrying her .YG was never a fan of trainee boys and girls bonding but these three are such an adorable trio that he can't even make them separate.


Featureing was a hit . So many people praised her . She felt giddy . She can feel her hard work started to pay off .Today she is nervous like really anxious. Gd even gave her his favourite chocolate so she won't run away before thier performance. He never shared his favourite chocolate with anyone. His manager laughed at how gd is caring towards her , they can understand because her baby face make anyone baby her unintentionally.

After so many convincing Jennie decided to fight her inner demons and show the world who is Jennie kim .Gd went to stage not before giving her motivating smile. Hanbin was there with them , he totally act like her manager. Gd's manager can't help but giggle at how he keep on correcting her hair while encouraging her with words .

" nini , if you slay in the stage I am going to buy you milk icecream. Don't worry I will sneak it "

He whispered it because YG don't allow food from outside. Managers controlled thier giggles because they look so adorable.when Jennie went to stage , hanbin look at the screen like a proud dad .

" hanbin ah , don't give that look . You are not her oppa . You are younger than her "

He pouted at thier comment.

         In stage , she covered her nervousness and slayed . She was happy, while singing her eyes locked with cute boy who had big boxy smile while watching her . She felt a new kind of nervousness. But she completed her part gracefully.After the song all give them a big applause. Jennie had a big gummy introduced her to his friends with a proud smile while all others in audience started move out .She felt someone staring at her . But didn't dared look back .


Taehyung happily walk to thier van while jimin look at him with a teasing smile . Taehyung look at him innocent face.

" what ?"

Jimin nodded nothing with a teasing smile . Taehyung keep on asking him.

" tae , did you just got hit by cupid in here "

Jimin said that while poking Taehyung's chest . Taehyung's ear turn into red . He sushed jimin.

" yah jimin , someone will hear it "

Jimin nodded , but he came near his ear and said .

"  tell me the truth ,tae . Do you have a crush on the cute girl huh ?"

He nodded with a shy smile .

" I think I have a crush on her .when our eyes met my heart beat increased"

Jimin and tae giggled at it .

" why are you guys giggling to eachother"

" nothing hyung"

Both of them said in same time .All look at the suspicious gaze .

" there is something maybe someone."

Hobi smiled to himself at his thought.

Hey loves ❤️,

I have published new story "Love Dastan" . Hope you guys read it .


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