I am yours

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Jennie never experienced or witnessed eternal love as fiction portrays.Her parents divorced even before she understood what marriage is. She never has a shortage of mother's love , her mom made sure Jennie never felt sad about her father never visiting her. She used to cry for her father , but slowly and eventually she stopped her search. Jennie accepted that her parents are divorced and she will never get a normal family.

Her mom is a successful women and Jennie is rich from very start.But that didn't stop her from leaving her comfort zone and explore her life.she joined YG , she knew it's very difficult to survive there but still her dream was to be an idol under YG .Her fate made her meet with three girls who showered her with care and sisterly love. Her loneliness started to fade away.After her debut , she achieved everything her dream, friends,made her mom proud,fame,fans,money everything except her true one. She got in some relationship but it never lasted months. Her tiny trust that she will meet the one who makes her life complete is fading away.

That's when she met him , kim Taehyung, the talented and handsome member of the world's most famous boy group. Their meet was not less than a k-drama. She was sitting on the bench watching sunset , suddenly a man sat next to her. When their eyes met sparks tingled her body , even though both are in distinguish .

" Jennie shi"

Her eyes widened in realisation, that deep soothing sound which helped her sleep in nights when she felt lonely even around this much people.

" V shi "

Her voice shivered , he is so close to her. Her crush was sitting beside her locking eyes with her. Taehyung chuckled as he saw her siren eyes wide and it look like doe eyes.He slowly reached for her hand which shivered due to his touch.

" let's talk in my car , people might notice our presence"

She nodded to his words still being in confusion.They were never close , she only know him as V of BTS .While he slowly dragging her to his car , her mind was occupied with so many questions. When both of them settled in the car , Jennie realised both of them are alone in the car.

" what do you want to talk to me ?"

She mentally patted herself for not making fool of her infront of him.He sighed and took of his mask and hat while ruffling his hair . Jennie's eyes trailed to his gorgeous features, he is so enchanting.Her cheeks painted pink when she understood that she is checking him out. She averted her eyes and look at her lap.

That's when a hand grabbed her face while delicately removing her hat and mask. Her mouth parted in surprise, when she saw him looking at her . She realised she is bare face infront of him.she covered her face with her hands.

" what are you doing Jennie shi , let me see you "

He removed her hand and fixed her hair while running his hand through her hair.She was totally shocked.

" what are you doing, V shi ? "

She trembled because of thier closeness. Taehyung look at her and sat correctly in his seat.

" Jennie shi , I am saying it straight.You know that i and jisoo done a MC together.And that day i want to tell her that

Jennie felt her nightmare came true .Her crush is asking help to set him with her unnie.she was hurt but cut him in .

" do you love my unnie , are you here to ask me to act as cupid inbetween you both . Then ok , i will talk to her about this. You both will loo

Her mouth was covered by Taehyung big hand . Her eyes widen by his act.

" oh just shut up, Jennie.Me and jisoo ,yuck .she is like a nonna to me.Who gave you this idea."

When he took his hands back , she shrugs her shoulder.

" you always sneakly look at our side in award shows , that's obvious"

He suppressed his laugh at her cute rambling.

" Am I that obvious, then why are you so stupid"

Jennie got offended by his words.she puffed her cheeks and narrowed her eyes while glaring him. He cooed and pinch her cheek , her eyes widen again.

" yes idiot, all this years I was doing everything to make it obvious that I love a kitten but she is so stupid to understand"

Jennie pouted when she hear him call stupid again.

" I am not stupid, and stop calling me kitten . I am not a "

Her eyes widened again and her mouth also got wide open when she understood the meaning of his words.She looked at him to see he smiling ear to ear .

" y-you l-love m-me ?"

She stammered and he nodded and hold her hand .

" I love you Jennie , i know you never experienced or witnessed love but believe me , love . I am going to show you the world of love . In that world we are the only persons exist. I will love you like my last. I never loved someone like I love you. This much years I loved you from far , but now I am selfish. I want to love you from close.My heart prayed you to be mine . My heart beats your name.I am totally lose me to yourself. I knew you have a crush on me , but I will make you fall in love with me. Give me a chance Jennie , I will never leave your hand ever "

Jennie look at him with teared eyes .

" will you love me forever"

He cupped her face with both of his hands

" Forever"

Jennie got a call from jisoo.Taehyung laugh at that .

" jendeukie did he proposed you. That guy has been nagging me from the day we MC together. That brat is totally in love with you . Don't leave him Jennie , give him a chance. He will cherish you like we all wished to see you cherished.Dont worry about aunty , he took her permission first .She gave him a gree flag. Go for it girl "

Jennie look at him when call got cut. He look at her with a small smile.

" Now that i agree to love you forever there is no turn backs .I am yours and soon you will admit that you are mine"

Jennie signel him to drive her to her apartment. He was sad about her lack of response. He drove to her apartment with pout.when they reached she invited him to her apartment. He went in without any hesitation . He is determined to make her love him. But what he didn't expected is that she jumb on him and hug him while wrapping her hands around his neck.

He stumbled a bit but circled his hand around her waist.

" Jennie "

He whispered to her ear.she smiled at him.

" call me whatever you like , tae "

He hug her tightly while giggling.

" yeobo "

Jennie laughed at his shyness.She broke the hug and tip toped and cupped his face , he bring his face down. She kissed his forehead.He close his eyes with a smile.

" I love you too "

He smiled while looking at her eyes. He slowly approached her face and kissed her cheeks and rub his nose with her.

" will you help me to experience eternal love ?"

" I will"

Hey loves ❤️,

New one shot for you guys.


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