My tomboyish girl

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                      Students chattering here and there minding thier own activities.A girl ,who dressed in a Tomboyish cloths run to college fast.All the boys turned to look at her.They all was amazed, how can someone be beautiful and attractive even in not revealing dress and zero make up.She acts like a boy but boys in the college is completely simp for her.All the college knows that she will kill them by looks when she start to wear clothes like other girls.

All the college knows that she will kill them by looks when she start to wear clothes like other girls

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         Girls who walking through corridors wearing revealing cloths and high make up always glare at Jennie in envy.

"Why she is attractive as hell even without trying "

        Girls whispered amoung them self.Jennie who is an introvert , only talk with her friends and brother.She enter the cafeteria while breathing heavily.She glanced whole cafeteria see chaelisoo sitting with BTS .She rolled her eyes .

                       She took bottle and drank whole water in one go.while drinking some drops spilled and slip to her neck that made boys in there to drool over her.She cleaned her lips using her hand and sat next to namjoon ,who is glaring boys in cafeteria.

J: wassap bro , why are looking like a freak

N:shut up Jen, your actions are arousing boys

Jennie burst into laughter.She gasp for air and talked in between her laughing section.

J: What me ? Bro are you serious? You think anyone look at this piece of shit ,who is totally opposite to the girl stereotypes.And i am not attractive at all.I am ugly,even you call be that .don't you?

Jennie said this as matter of fact and shrugs off.Namjoon look at her with unbelievable look.This girl is totally unaware of her effect on boys and girls . Jennie's concentration is on study , food ,excersie ,sports and sleep .This is her priorities.Her dresses is always selected by namjoon, because he knows his college mates very well .

N: yes Miss ugly and what is your friends doing ?(sarcastically)

Jennie turned to chaelisoo and saw them looking at her with heart eyes.

J: mm, looking at me

N: oh yes , more like simping at you .

Jennie raised her eyebrows and look back at chaelisoo and snap her finger .All chaelisoo startle and

Js: h-hai jendeuki(blushing)

L: hi hi hi (awkward laughs)

R:Do you want my burger

Rosè look at her with love sick smile .All gasp at rosè because she don't even share her food even other one going to die because of hunger.

J: oh hi, hey it's ok Rosie .You can eat it babes

She casually took tae's juice which he was drinking while enjoying jennie's actions .His mouth went dry when he saw she drinking from the straw which he drank it.He licked his lips.Jennie waved bye and went from there.Suddenly they hear two squeals , all the people cafeteria look at them wierdly .But all BTS and lisoo looking at them with jealousy .Namjoon sign .

R: did you hear that, did you hear that.she called me babes.she called me babes .

She is jumbing up and down with biggest smile .

V : we drank from same glass .she just causally take it drank it like it belongs to her.Its like indirect ki

Namjoon smacked him.

RM: control you tounge asshole, you are talking about my sis .

Rosè and V seat in thier places with a stupid smile .

RM: why can't you all stop simping on her?

All: she is fucking gorgeous

RM rolled his eyes and slapped his forehead .

RM: what will you all do when she start date someone  huh

V: You all going to cry because i am the one going to date her, propose her,marry her and on and on and on .......

RM:kim fucking Taehyung

V: opps brother in law

He ran from there .Rm shaked his head.All others laugh at him.

S: Mark my words namjoon ah , he going to be that lucky mf who going to marry jen.Jen always have soft spot for him.And that's clear .

He shrug his shoulder like he just stated a proven theory .All others disagree with jealousy.

Js: If i was a boy

L: Date her

R: Marry her

They all back to thier simping .

Rm: You all are hopeless,aren't you?

All: yes,we are

Rm signed and continue devouring his food because talking to his friends are useless.

Rm signed and continue devouring his food because talking to his friends are useless

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        tae run so fast to see her doing warm up .He kneely observed her all actions .It is giving him butterflys .He felt like Jennie is dominant and he is weak , but he don't mind though .After marriage he is ready to be her .

God tae, do you have mommy kink .whatever , anyways she gonna rule me for sure😉

His thoughts got cut by her voice

J: Taehyung,what are you doing here

V: I-i you know , came to .No i was going to library

He patted himself in his mind for coming up with a white lie .

J: but Taehyung library is in opposite direction

Taehyung felt like he gonna collapse any time .He started sweating.Jennie become worried and try to touch him.

V:I-i sh-ould go now , bye jen

He sped from there in a second .Jennie was confused

J: wierd , Watsapp with him and shuttering.Anyways

She go back to her training session.And tae hide behind the piller.

V : Oh god, her eyes will be death of me

He clutched his heart who is beating so fast.

Hey loves❤️, i saw this in draft .i forget to upload it .Anyways love you all .Be patient with me , i am so busy + so lazy



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