love twist

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  Jennie walked to her bestfriend's house with nervous face.She is so nervous to face taehyung ,who is jisoo's brother.Jennie have a crush on taehyung from the day she saw him.She is so afraid to face him because she will lost in his gorgeous face.

    Jennie reached jisoo's house and pressed the bell.To her bad luck taehyung was the person who opened the door

V: jisoo your little bestfriend is here (shouted)

Jennie flinch a little.Jennie came inside the house and stand there .taehyung is looking at her intensly like he is a animal who is looking at his prey.Jennie put a cold face in reality her body is trembling.Suddenly a pillow hit on tae's face that made him flinch.

Js:Yah,don't undress her with your dirty eyes (shouted)

Jennie blushed to red.And tae smirked at her.Jisoo glared at him and took Jennie to her room.

After two hours of studies both of them are watching kdramas.Jisoo is siting and Jennie is laying on her lap while jisoo run her fingers through Jennie's hair.Tae is witnessing this and rolled his eyes.But he didn't went from there.Suddenly kissing scene came and Jennie closed her eyes .Jisoo is intensly looking Jennie.Tae don't mind it ,but today something different in jisoo's eyes made him confused.He saw love , desire in her eyes.He was so confused.He decided to investigate about it.After sometime Jennie went her home.jisoo went to her room forgetting her phone.Tae took that phone and went to his room and closed it.

     He tryed many password like her birthdays,her name,chicken,parents date of birth but it didn't open.Suddenly something hit his mind.He slowly typed ,


And it unlocked.Tae gasp at that.He didn't waste any time he searched her contacts and there she saved Jennie's name '♥️'.

He went to her gallery and saw a album saved "love".He opened it to see so 100's of photos of Jennie which included candids.Tae looked like someone took his soul away.He have been in love with Jennie from the first sight.But he is very shy to tell her ,so he didn't tell to any one.He closed the phone and put it in the place where he got it.

    That day he understood that he and his sis love same girl named Jennie kim.And the girl whom they love is clueless.He decided to have a talk with jisoo.He went to her room and knocked.Jisoo opened the room.

Js:What do you want (scowls)

V:I want to talk to you something important noona


V:let's sit and talk.

Jisoo nodded .Both settled down.

V:Now tell me.Do you love someone ?

Js:w-why a-re you asking?(nervous)

V:please noona

Js:Yes,I love someone.(shyly).

V faked a smile.

V:who is that guy?(intentionally)

Js:not gonna bye.I want to call jendeukie

V:Then call her.i gonna sit here for sometime

Jisoo cursed him and failed at his stubborn behaviour.

On call

Js: jendeukie ,what you doing ?

J:nothing unnie I am just talking to kookie(giggling)

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