I am done

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    It's been three years , Taehyung and Jennie who are from biggest groups of world dating .But it's a one way thing .The one who is dedicated to the relationship is Jennie .She love him so much to leave him .But for him, he is always confident that she will never leave him .

   Jennie always find time to meet Taehyung.He is living with his members .All BTS members adore Jennie so much .Her smile is enough for them to feel the day bright.But Taehyung never mind it .He just want her to known as his .

Rm: tae, what are you doing?

V: what?

Now a days Taehyung is very busy with his new found or so called friend 
Hari .He always ignore Jennie but now he just forget her for his new friend.He hang out with her .went to so called friendly date .

Jin: you are hurting her

V: who?

He knows but act like not .

Jk: noona, you are hurting her

V: aww noona's boy

H:why are you like this?

V: I am always like this

S: You will regret it

V scoffed and look at him.

V: never, she is mine .so she will be with me whatever i do .

All look at him with disgusted face .

V: Hey ,hey what's with that look

JM: you disgusts me , She is such a nice girl and you are cheating behind her back.

V: Isn't it common . yup, I am cheating.Its so entertaining.Jennie girl is mine and will believe me . Because she loves me ,duh.(He laughs ) love lol.she thought i love her .No .I don't love her .It's just she fascinates me . Every thing about her is pure magic .From beauty to her personality, I am attracted.I know ,so many are interested in her .so , I keep her to flex her around that's no one has any chance with her . Because that beautiful art is belongs to me .What Kim Taehyung wants he gets .And she never gonna know and will be with me .She will love me and I will have her with me .And she will never know that i am cheating behind her back .poor her ( He laughed like a manic).

All was looking sad but there is Jk looking with a smirk . Taehyung look at him with confused face.

J: Poor you ,Mr.Kim Taehyung

All watch her comming out from behind the curtain with wide open mouth .All other balckpink members also came from thier hiding spot glaring Taehyung.Jk's smirk changed into an assurance when Jennie look at him .He whisper to her

Jk: You can do it ,noona

She nodded and faced Taehyung with her famous Resting bitch face and piercing cat eyes .All in the room felt her aura ,That screams "Boss bitch" vibes. Taehyung's face paled .

J: Hello .My dear boyfriend oops I mean EX boyfriend

All others really want to whitsle at her sassy dialogue.But control it .rosè a big proud smile .

V: J-jennie

J: not J-jennie, It's your pieace of art,right ?

She mocked his stammering.lisa snorted .

V: it's not what you think ,baby?

J: cut the crap ,I hear all your words .Thank you for the reality check .That's so eye opening.I was so blind lol

V: Jennie,let's talk

J: we are talking , Taehyung sanabe.

She look towards others with assured smile that she is ok .All got relieved .

J: So, I kim Jennie is officially Breaking up with Mr .Kim Taehyung.

Jisoo didn't contain.She felt proud and shouted

Js: Finally

All laugh at her antics . Taehyung can feel his power loosing.He look at her and she look at him with no emotion.Her eyes always held love for him but now nothing .V can't even say anything.

             Chaelisoo hug her .She smiled at them.Now she understands chaelisoo was always right about Taehyung.They always felt he is not right for her .

J: Taehyung sunabe ,as we are proffessionaly connected .I will talk to you casually.

Jk: noona,you won't break with us right?

J:No No bunny boy

He smiled .And Taehyung felt burn .

J: And you Mr Taehyung.You will be most handsome man in the world, so many girls will die for you .But you forget that I am Kim Jennie .And the one and only .I can survive all the deadly things .So many hates i get in daily basis,before it effected me .But now No lol. I am strong .More than strong than you all can imagine.If you think i cannot live without you then you are wrong . Because I Can .And I will .

She turn around walk to the door with her proud unnie and little sisters.

V: Jennie,please don't leave .Is that three years not effected you .Are you done with me .

He can feel that he listed her forever .
She turned around,he felt a hope .
She smiled a dangerous smile .

J: I am done with you

She turned and walk without giving another glance . Because she knows her worth.

Hey loves❤️, i don't know what stupidity i wrote any ways 🤣

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