My alien

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Jennie sat at the edge of the mountain while enjoying twinkling stars.Her eyes roamed around the sky. She saw a shooting star and closed her eyes to pray.

" Dear Jesus, please send my soulmate to me. All my friends are already married,now it's my turn to settle down. please send him to me as soon as possible."

She continues to enjoy the view above the sky.suddenly the place she was sitting was shaken a little with a big blast sound. Her heart beats increased, she slowly stood up and started to make way to her car. Her legs were trembling with fear, she can feel someone watching her. She somehow got in her car , but she saw a strong light and the place filled with fog. A tall man's shadow walked towards her car. Because of fear, her mind shit down. She felt numb. The man wore a black dress , a black cloth covered his mouth. His magnificent eyes locked with her widen cat eyes.

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Her brain stopped working

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Her brain stopped working. Her only thought was his eyes. He has the most attractive pair of eyes any man she laid her eyes on.He came near the driver's window were she was sitting and look at her with mesmerized. His eyes travelled to her whole face and locked his eyes to her. He clicked his fingers and he vanished from her sight. She took a deep breath and try to start the car . But a hand covered her hand that made her jump in surprise and look to next seat to see that man. Her breathing increased. She try to take her hands away but he gripped it. He sat there looking at her with his intense eyes.She want to just go but she felt caged. He clicked his fingers and they were in her apartment, she felt like fainting but suddenly.

" Jennie"

She was speechless, how this scary thing knew her name.

" I know you and your name . I know you . Infact i came from space only for you''

Her head felt weight because of the happenings.

'' sit down Jennie, i will explain "

She sat leaving big space between him and her.

" Jennie , I am from other planet which is not even identified by earth.yes, there is many things you guys don't know. I am a scientist in our planet.Our team recently got to know about earth, this beautiful planet we all ever seen. We have seen many planets and living beings there too. When we identified your planet ,we were curious about you guys. We got to know about you guys using devices to exchange messages from one place to another, we hacked it."

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