Friendship is love (3)

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       College reopen was so grand . All students was enjoying themself here and there . Laughing and giggles are raised every classrooms . Taehyung walk to classroom with his same charming image and girls swoon over him .

     Tzuyu came there with a smile . Both of them smile eachother. seeing each other after one year made different. They were no more couple , they are friends. Tzuyu confessed that she was so confused about her feelings and after months confirm that she only see him as her friend. He also agree because it was an impulsive action .

" Where is jen , she said she would be here in five minutes. Aish this girl , i am dieing to see her after one damn year "

Tzuyu was looking for her sister like friend. Jennie and tzuyu bonded really well in this corona year . Taehyung look at her amused .

" Do you girls text each other?"

She gave him a annoying look.

" Ofcourse, she is my first ever friend here"

Taehyung felt guilty for not contacting her and acting like a jerk towards her .He was thinking about her .

" Fuck , so hot "

Taehyung became startled hearing tzuyu cursing.  He looked at her to see her eyes looking at something with so much mesmerized.He look towards the direction to see HER.

                      Taehyung's eye widen at HER arrival . She changed A LOT . Her cat eyes is more dominating with her light make up. She have slight abs . One thing stuck him was her waist length hair . He never seen her with that much hair . Before she walk like boy. Now in her walk, there is feminine energy with musculine tint . Her dressing style is same . She is walking through corridors like a model and other students made her way looking at her like fans .

                    She saw tzuyu and beautiful smile grazed her lips . Tzuyu squeal.

" OMG , OMG she is looking at me . God, am i gay . I didn't knew till this day "

Taehyung looked at her and look at HER . He can feel he is sweating. He looked at her like a stranger.

             She walk towards them

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             She walk towards them . She gave a hug to tzuyu,who almost faint .

" Jen, you were cool and beautiful previous year . But now you are fucking gorgeous. Girl , please , i am questioning my sexuality''

Jennie laughed at her . Tzuyu was full time looking at her with heart eyes . Taehyung just stand there and look at HER .

" Hai Taehyung, how was your vacation?"

Her formal question made him sad . When he called her Taehyung instead tae , he knew he fucked up .

" It's nice , cool i think"

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