Friendship is love

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Two people are shown playing basketball.Its a fierce game .All are cheering for the boy who is trying to score score against his girl bestfriend.But cheers went down and to pin drop silence when she scored against him and won the match effortlessly.

" Oh finally , you lost it tae . I won . Now be careful when you mock girls that they can't win against boys . Because One daughter is equals to ten sons. So beware boy "

Girls cheered for her comment.They start to chant.

" Jennie"




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Jennie smirked at him and walk away from him . He looked so annoyed by the fact that his bestfriend scored against him .

" Oh god she is hot man . Can you imagine her being shy and all , it would be adorable "

Jimin comment about Jennie . Taehyung roll his eyes.

" She is not at all hot "

Jimin look at him with unbelievable look.

" Bro are you blind , anyways let's go "

Taehyung follow him .

" Hot and Jennie can't be in one sentence "


Jennie was walking through corridors and saw Taehyung flirting with girls . She rolled her eyes .

" Once a Playboy, always a Playboy "

Jennie walked further and saw a girl , more precisely a beautiful girl walking to thier classroom. She went to see

 She went to see

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"Hey "

" Hai , I am tzuyu "

" Hai , i am Jennie "

" You look cool in that outfit"

" You look beautiful too"

Both girls were talking suddenly Taehyung came and became mesmerized by tzuyu.

'' Hai , I am Taehyung, most popular boy of this college and can we be friends"

" Oh , hai I am tzuyu and ofcourse we can "

He kept on smiling at her and say on his place . Jennie sat beside him and

" Dude , stop staring."

" Beautiful girls are ment to be stared . That's why all are staring at her and not you "

For the first time , she got hurt by his words . She didn't bother to talk more and started to complete her notes silently. Taehyung who was busy drooling on tzuyu never notice hurt in his bestfriend 's face . Professor came in with smile.

"So let's discuss about love , so Taehyung. According to you, what is love ?"

He smiled and said .

" For me friendship is love "

Jennie look at him with surprise But her eyes become sad when she saw Taehyung glancing at tzuyu while saying it .She mentally slapped her head for having a crush on him . He never even consider her as a woman she is . It's because she never shown her feminine energy in this college.

Weeks passed , it's last day of first year , tzuyu joined late . One day she was going to basketball court . She saw a crowd .Her curiosity take her to the scene . She saw her crush proposing her new friend. And tzuyu accept it with a nod . She can hear her heart breaking . She slowly went to washroom and went back to classroom to see tzuyu sitting in her place . Taehyung glared at her to sit somewhere.She sat near jimin who understood her inner turmoil.

" Jennie , i know about the pain you are going through. He is an idiot , so please don't hesitate to share your pain with Me .I will be here for you as a friend."

Jennie smiled at him and place her hand above his .

" I am ok jimin , it's going to be vacation. So i will move on "

Jimin smiled encouraging her .

" Let's do it jen, let's move on . You are not a bitch to mess up someone's relationship "

Jennie thought in her mind .


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