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"jennie you ok ,come here i will treat your wound"jungkook run to her.

"yes,i am ok jungkook and thank you for helping me from the mess.And i can treat it myself"jennie gave him a warm smile.

"please i insist " jungkook smiled.

   Jennie nodded with a smile.Both reach the nursing room.Jungkook took first aid box and started treating her.They both talked about random things.Jungkook cheered her up from the recent situation.But taehyung who came to check on jennie become upset and jealous by Jk and jennie interaction.Thier giggles filled in his ear making him hurt.He went to his class with disappointment.

"jennie if you want any help please inform me.I will stand for you like a brother"jungkook chimed.Jennie laughed at the cute bunny and ruffle his hair and nodded.

"Bye kookie,see you after class"jennie started to walk out.But jungkook hold her wrist."jenjen ,please can i accompany you.we are in same class"He pulled a cute face.Jennie laughed and nodded.


Both of them walk to thier class talking nonsense topics .With in a hour,both bonded like real brother and sister.Jennie ruffled his hair whenever he pouted.Jennie feel a special bond with jungkook.Both reach the class,jennie didnt spare glance to taehyung.She sit beside taehyung like he is invisible.Whole time taehyung following her all moves by his eyes.He gazed at her flowing hair and the way she tucking her hair back to the ear.

"Jenjen here take this" jungkook offered a hair bun to her.Jennie and taehyung look at him with confused face."Don't worry,its my sister's extra hair bun that i burrow from her".Jennie smiled and took it.She tied her hair into ponytail.Jungkook looked at her,taehyung mesmerised by the way she is tieing it."Thankyou kookie" and ruffled his hair.Jungkook smiled ear to ear and walked to his seat.Taehyung is literally boiling with jealousy.

"what the hell?How did they bonded so well?"

  Taehyung murmured to himself.He fisted his hand to control his jealousy.Then reality hitted him,Jennie will not talk him like before.She will avoid him. In a cue he turned to Jennie who is struggling with reading because her specs is broken now.Taehyung decided to take it as a chance.

"Do you wa-

He got cutted by Eunwoo the Mr.perfect who known for his Angel like visuals,His academic performance,Rich background and kind personality.He usually don't initiate a conversation with girls even though girls will always try to impress him.

" Jennie , mm you need help to read the book"

Taehyung glared at him,jungkook smiled at him,All class look at him and Jennie startle a little.

    " Hmm , it's ok Eunwoo "

     She give him a polite smile.Taehyung release his breath he holded during this time.

" Don't want to be formal Jennie,you can call me Eunu.And you are clearly struggling without your specs.so i will help you out.please "

His innocence made Jennie nod .Eunwoo smiled brightly that made Jennie return her gummy smile.He sat near Jennie and look at her .She raised her eyebrows.Eunwoo shyly looked away to book and started to read it.taehyung gripped his pen .

"Jen "

Eunwoo called her.Jennie hummed in replay.

" Can we be friends"

He shyly looked down .He fidged his fingers in nervous.Jennie felt happy that he is so genuine to be her friend.


Both tae and eunwoo snapped thier eyes to her direction.He smiled widely making him more adorable.He loved how she called his nick name .Tae want to just run away from the scene.But he can't , for the first time he felt helpless.He love Jennie but he just fucked up for real .she always considered him as her only friend, but now she has two friends, but he is not included in the list .He felt like a stranger .She ignored his existence like he and she was friends .But he can't blame her , because the humiliation he done due to his big ego made him loose his friend,love .

                  He look to see eunwoo helping Jennie ,and she smiled to him . Taehyung felt like left out .He want to pull her to him , but felt totally helpless.

                          He felt something heavy in his chest .His vision is getting blurry.He walked out of the classroom and went to thier secret garden.He felt his cheeks getting wet , yes he is crying in silent . He closed his eyes and remember the way he insulted her .How much humiliation she faced because of him.The way her beautiful eyes looked at him with hope .How she whisper his name with so much pain .

                       " Taetae"

He opened his eyes when he felt her voice whisper his name .He love it when she called him with sincerity.But today for his ego he denied it with harsh words .Each word he said to her pierced through his heart which already beating and carving for her.He understood one is

She is more than his ego to him.She capture and stole his heart and now he can't without her.He felt suffocating when eunwoo and jungkook become her friend.

Sorry loves ♥️ , i literally forget about this book .Thankyou SiRi_drdz for reminding💕




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