I am done (2)

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      Since the day they broke up was a huge blow among kpop idols .But so many kpop male idols was so happy.BTS excluding V was friendly with Blackpink especially Jennie.Each day pass V was understanding what he lost and Jennie become more powerful than ever .

                         Her cat eyes become more passionate and seductive.She got more healthy body with abs thats drool worthy .She changed her hair colour to some blonde highlights infront.She become more confident to vocal about herself and her music passion .That shy girl was lost , now there is independent bold woman who is been admired by lot .

Award show :

       After the broke up event they didn't saw eachother because of busy schedules . But today thier world is crashing together after months .

            Each and every group came to stage and stand there as they got announced.BTS walked like a kings and stand there .

   " Now we have Blackpink in your area"

All cheered even idols .All are screaming.BTS smiled at that .Suddenly whole area gone dark .A sudden silence linger there .

" Ha How you like that "

Whole area hear strong,seductive and heavenly voice .All gasped with excitement.Taehyung sucked his breath .A spot light fall on four beautiful girls .All scream in awe .They look so gorgeous.But there is a cat eyed beauty with a Queen aura standing confidently .Cameraman focuses on them .other cameras also fixed all around them .

        Jennie slowly raise her eyes and look straight to the camera while saying

" Are you ready my loves"

She winked to camera and idols who are watching her through big screen nearly fell on thier knees . Cameraman's hand was shaking.Even BTS glup in nervous.She smirked and started thier performance.The only word about the performance is

                        I C O N I C

All were star struck by thier performance.But everyone's eyes was focused on HER .The way she move her body , deliver her verse with so much confidence and her expression made her unresistable.After the performance they walk near BTS and stand beside them .She never glanced at him .She bowed at everyone with a smile.Chaelisoo also stand with her with a proud smile .

                     All boys were looking at her .And she knows that too .She look around and her eyes stuck on eunwoo who she admired as a kpop idol and actor .He was looking at her too.she gave him a smile and he literally lost his balance.chaelisoo snorted at that .V can only glare at him.

" Jendeukie don't smile like that , so many will loose thier balance"

Jisoo teased her and Jennie pouted .Lisa cooed , rosè look at her with heart eyes and jisoo pinch her cheek .

" Our mandu "

All three said at same time .Eunwoo was gaining his posture .His members teased him to death .He was smiling shyly .He look towards Jennie and keep on blushing .chaelisoo smiled teasingly .Jennie kept her poker face on . Even though whole area is filled of so many fans of different groups . Suddenly a chant started .


All was chanting her name like it's some ritual .Jennie was so confused .Suddenly the whole area hear a song " Die for you " by weekend.Jennie look here and there and saw her idol who she admired for years infront of her singing one of favourite song staring straight into her eyes .she took some steps ahead and stare at him starstruck . Weekend came to her and stand just infront of her with a smile singing the song .All are so much surprised .

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