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Jennie walked to the nearby bookstore . She hummed " still with you " while listening to it in her ear pod. That's when she tripped on something or can we say someone. She looked up and met with her school bully . " oops Jennie , I didn't see you " he mocked Jennie .Jennie didn't talk back but just picked her ear pod that just fell out . When she tried to walk the bully caught her hand and pulled her closer. She didn't dare to look up . He was about to grab her cheek to caress it. But suddenly someone catches Bully's hand and twisted it .

'' dare you to touch her without her permission " his deep voice startled all of them. Bully winced in pain and ran away. Jennie slowly looked at her saviour and her breath caught in her throat . " don't be a scaredy cat , try to defend yourself,ok" he patted her head and she nodded in trance .

  He walked away and went to a cafe . She just stand there with lovestruck smile." OMG he is so handsome and have a good personality" . She forget about what she came for . She went back to her class and sat beside her bestie lisa . Lisa look at her flustered face. " Are you sick , why are you so red " lisa look confused because Jennie has no fever. Jennie smiled shyly. " Lisa I think I got a crush " lisa look at her with big wide open mouth ." Are you real , first time in history of kim Jennie , she got a crush we should celebrate anyways who is the boy " lisa wiggled her eyebrows.

         " Not a boy but a man " lisa was so stunned. " so he is not highschooler that means , babe do you know his age atleast his name "  when she saw Jennie pouting lisa determined to find out for her . " atleast any clue" Jennie nodded. " he went to near by cafe " . Lisa nodded in approval. " after class let's go to there , ok " Jennie smiled at her and side hugged her.

          After the class both of them went that cafe , Jennie gasped. " lis it's him , i think he is working here " .lisa look towards him and surprised to see her boyfriend's friend." Damn girl , you got crush on a real man .I know about him ,he is my boyfriend's friend." Jennie and lisa order coffee and Jennie was disappointed that he never even glanced at her . Both went there to pay bill ." Oh hi Lisa , I was about to inform you about my new business.its my cafe , do you like it ?"  Lisa nodded with a polite smile . " cafe is so nice , oppa .And it's my bestfriend Jennie " he glanced up at Jennie and nodded without any reaction . She became sad , lisa squeezed Jennie's hand . She bid good bye and went out. " It's ok jen babe , now let me fill in about him" . Jennie got to know that his name is Kim Taehyung ,he is 23 years old that makes her five years younger than him , he loves to listen to calm music , he has only mom and they are middle class family. She listened everything, she is from a wealthy family of lawyers.but that didn't change her mind , she like him and she will try her best .

  Days started to move , Jennie with lisa visited the cafe using different excuses . Jennie never seen him glancing atleast once at her . She felt so sad but lisa motivated her . One day when they reach cafe they saw a girl who is same as his age talking with him . They seemed close . Jennie didn't felt jealousy but she felt insecure. The girl he was talking with look absolutely stunning. Lisa can't help but feel sorry for her Jennie .

               Months passed , one day Jennie was sitting in cafe with lisa . That's when one boy who is same age as them came and give her a red rose. Jennie got startled. He confessed and Jennie heard it carefully and smiled at him . " mark , I actually like your personality and all . But now I am love with someone else. It's a crush but still I can't do wrong to my own feelings.we can be friends,ok" .mark smiled at her and when she gave him the rose back . He refused it and said '' keep it as a sign of our bloomed friendship " she stood up and gave him a hug . Lisa just look at her friend with adoring face." The person you like will luckiest" she thanked him and sat back.Her eyes traced to his direction and to her disappointment he is listening to music while not even careing . She smiled with little sadness. " let's go lisa , I am tired " after paying both went from there.

                   After that day Jennie started to concentrate on entrance exam for being lawyer. She is 18 years old , she thought to try her chance on him.When she got in best college, she decided to move to there.It was in US , so she felt that she should confess her love towards him before going to US.

       Lisa was sad hearing that Jennie is going abroad for studies but happy that Jennie is achieved the dream of studying in that college.

       Lisa was waiting for Jennie in the cafe. Jennie came and lisa went to hug her. " I am going to miss you" lisa whispered, Jennie hug her back with same intensity.Jennie and lisa practicaly grow up together. They met in kindergarten. Both of them settle in the seat. After eating, Jennie payed the bill. She calmed herself. " can you please come outside for one minute"   Taehyung was about to decline but lisa made a please face behind Jennie. He sighed and went outside.

" What do you want to say " Taehyung said . " I am not going to beat around, I like you so much " Jennie said without any hesitation. Taehyung look at her for sometime and broke her heart." Sorry Jennie , i don't like you . You should be focusing on your future rather than involving this type of feelings.I don't feel same to you." Jennie didn't said another word . She turned around and walk away . Lisa called her , but she don't want show her crying face to lisa . Lisa shouted

" jen babe , call me when you reach US "

Jennie is not in a state of talking back. She show a ok sign still not turning back. Like that she walk away , that's day Taehyung last saw her.

Hey loves ♥️,

Next chapter will probably on today or tomorrow 🫰

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