Feeling (2)

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Taehyung paced left and right like a angry tiger who is going to rip someone if they dare to come infront of him .All other BTS members are looking eachother with confusion written in thier face .Namjoon cleared his throat,

V: No hyung,not today

Rm : But can you atleast tell us what is going on

V nodded no like a stubborn kid .Rm signed nth time .All of them try to know the reason behind his restless and angry state but he being little brat decide to not to tell anyone . Atlast the oldest came to rescue.

Jin: yah brat,tell what is your problem? And stop pacing like this .my head hurts by watching you to and fro .

V look at him like a baby look at his parent who ready to burst into tears in anytime .All look worry.

Jin: are yo-

V hugged him and start to cry like he lost his something precious.All ran to him and calm him down .

H: oh my tae ,what is the matter.Tell to your hyung

He wiped his tears and look so sad.

V: Kai called me and he told me that he gave her his number

Rm: to whom

V: Jennie

Y: oh we know ,he told us right ?

All nodded in agreement.jimkook try thier best to not laugh .


Y: But ,what ?

Yoongi sounded annoyed .

V: she replied him

His tears started to flow again.Jimkook is looking another side trying to not to show they are laughing.Because they knew it's coming.Rm who is already done with Taehyung.

Rm: so what, he maned up and gave her number and wait for her reply.she reply him because she is inter-

V: No ,she is not

Jimkook slowly move to balcony because they can't control thier laughs anymore.Hyung line is looking at Taehyung with annoyed face .

Jin: Did she told you?

V: no, i  just know

H:isn't it so cute , kai and Jennie the charismatic couple .Aww,even thier hieght difference will be cute .Oh ,sexy sexy couple .Can't imagine thie-

V:aah hyung ,stop imagining.This can't be happen

Y: why lol

V: because i think ,I can't tolerate anyone around her

He look down due to embarrassment.Never in his life he thought being like this situation.

Jin: Why (teasing)

V:I think i am feeling something new

All hyungs burst into laughter witnessing the great tiger being a lovesick puppy .

Rm: we know ,even before you know


Y: Because you are dumb to even understand your feelings.

Jin: Give me one minute, so tae tell me do you feel irritation when thinking about her being with another men

V nodded instantly .

H: Do you feel something burning on you chest when you hear about jen text him back

V nodded

Rm: tae,it's just you are experiencing new feeling like

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