the win, doubts and celebrations

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31st july "22
wembley stadium

⚠️a large amount of swearing in this chapter⚠️
(just representing the english winning tbf)

Similar to every other English fan within the stadium, Niamh's face was tear-stained, her mouth open in a wide smile as she cheered louder than she had ever done before. Happiness flooded her veins as the group all turned to one another in both shock and excitement to celebrate the win. The atmosphere at Wembley was one Niamh, nor any of the families, will never forget, one in which sent shockwaves throughout.

Holly, Niamh and Hattie all turned to one another with wide arms and the loudest of shrieks as they engulfed each other in the tightest hug any of them had ever felt.

"OH MY FUCKING JESUS!" Niamh screamed, in pure awe of what she had just witnessed.

"THEY FUCKING DID IT." Hattie followed, gazing at the pitch which now flooded with the England Lionesses, each one in tears.

Amanda and Lisa turned to one another, both crying hysterically and kissing one another on the cheek, "Wow." Amanda whispered, never feeling as much pride as she did at that moment.

The men all gathered as one, jumping up and down like lunatics, chanting the way men do, "FOOTBALL'S COMING HOME AGAIN." They all sang in unison, causing Niamh to spill more tears at the sight of such happiness.

Her eyes found Leah, whom too was crying on the pitch, her arms wrapped around Beth as they shared their victory. Niamh's heart yearned to touch her at that moment, to feel her lips against hers, her arms around her frame.

Holly caught Niamh's gaze at Leah and turned to her, "We don't just have these around our necks for a reason." She winked, signalling to the lanyards around their necks, her face still soaked in tears.

Amanda was the first to step onto the pitch, Niamh following behind in quick succession, yearning to see Leah. As they wandered through, Leah's blue eyes found Niamh's green ones and they sprinted toward one another, almost as if they were in some sort of Niamh's dream romcoms.

Niamh's legs had never moved so fast and, in that moment, all she wanted was to be with Leah once more. Her heart rate quickened as Leah matched her pace, quickly closing the gap between them. Niamh simply laughed as she ran, tears spilling from her eyes as she crashed into Leah with force.

Niamh pummelled her lips onto Leah's, creating a passionate and loving kiss between them as their arms wrapped around one another. Leah nestled her head into Niamh's neck as they broke apart to feel one another's body warmth.

Niamh cupped Leah's wet cheeks as she shouted over the continuous noise that flooded the pitch, "YOU FUCKING DID IT, LEAH."

Leah continued to let her tears spill onto her face, now falling more rapidly as she pecked Niamh's lips once more, "I love you so fucking much, Niamh you don't understand."

"My girlfriend's a European Champion. HAVE THAT FUCKERS." Niamh shrieked, Leah's arm falling onto her shoulders as the two ran to the girls and their families, to celebrate the history that these women had just made.

"Pretty cool witnessing history happen." Niamh whispered to Holly, regaining her composure.

"Pretty cool indeed."

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