[2] Failure Mission

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Ivo is preparing to carry out a dangerous mission. He was in one of the Russian hotels near the port. According to the information he got, Robert and Blood Mafia will be doing deals around here.

Even though Ivo has often done things like this. The mission this time is very dangerous. If Ivo is wrong then he will deal with the mafia or other influential people. Enough to make Ivo nervous but looks like this would be fun.

Ivo is preparing a lot of weapons like pistols, kunai, and bulletproof vests. He also prepared his modified little gadget. This is done so that the gadget can be used even in very difficult situations, but Ivo still maximizes his hacking skills. Apart from that, Ivo will look like a resident to trick his enemies.

He smiles while then points his gun at the mirror, "Okay, let's start."


On the other side, Cylo is preparing his equipment at one of the Russian hotels near the port, according to his sister's orders, Chelsea. This time Cylo's mission is to retrieve the mind control chipset from Robert and Blood Mafia. He is to destroy it so that there would be no potential danger to the world.

The good news, whether this is good news or bad but the mission this time, Cylo is accompanied by Jaki. Jaki is a Black English and He is a paid assassin like Cylo. Cylo and Jaki had been partners to carry out several missions according to Chelsea's orders. But in reality, they are not close.

Cylo doesn't know why Chelsea ordered Jaki too for this mission. But Cylo is okay, although he would prefer to carry out missions alone so that he can have more freedom and no one bothers him.

"Let's start," Jaki says to cylo. They had worn local people's clothes.

Cylo glances at Jaki and he nods. Ok, Cylo hopes Jaki doesn't hinder him when carrying out this mission, let alone putting Ivo in a dangerous position. They are partners but anything can happen in a mission.

"Okay, Chelsea has sent the coordinates to me," Cylo says, he and Jaki left the hotel.

They blended into the local occupation. No one suspected anything because they wore local clothes. Cylo and Jaki split up. Cylo goes to the right and Jaki goes to the left so they would be able to carry out ambushes more easily.

From a distance, Cylo sees Robert and his bodyguards. Cylo follows them. He walks casually like a resident so he can follow the mad scientist without being suspected. Robert and his bodyguards walk to the abandoned harbor. But suddenly Cylo felt someone watching him. That's right, there was a man on the residents' roof. He wore full black clothes.

"Tsk, it turns out that many people want that chipset," Cylo mutters. He still walks casually and follows Robert and his bodyguard.


Meanwhile, Jaki walks casually for follows Robert and his bodyguard. He follows them from the other direction. He is looking for the right time to take the chipset. As time went on, this surveillance felt increasingly tense. Jaki still follows Robert and his bodyguards until finally, they arrive at an abandoned port.

Jaki smiles. His guess was correct, Robert and Blood Mafia will make transactions here. It seemed like this mission wouldn't be as difficult as he imagined. Especially, he and Cylo are on the right track so they will be easy to attack.

Jaki gets ready, "Alright Robert, looks like the chipset will soon be mine," Jaki mutters.

Even though, without Jaki knowing. There was Ivo who was stalking him from behind. Yes, it's true, many people are eyeing this chipset. Because they know the mind control chipset is very dangerous. Everyone in this world certainly wants it.

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