[31] Smash

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The situation is very difficult to explain. Everything was messed up. Fighting took place everywhere, starting from the front yard of the headquarters, inside rooms, basements, and rooms on the top floor.

The sound of gunfire, the clink of sharp weapons, screams of pain and even crying could be heard clearly. This was truly a life-and-death battle between the Big Devil Mafia and the Black Wolf Mafia. They did their best.

Despite this, the Black Wolf mafia outperformed the fight. They used great fighting techniques so they could defeat the Big Devil mafia. Besides that, the warriors who fight are directed by hackers at the Black Wolf mafia headquarters. So they can know the battle situation.

"Change groups into 3, provide support into the base, then the other two teams go east and west!" Hans orders. He still monitors the movements of the Black Wolf mafia members and directs them.

Hans shows his abilities as a hacker leader. He gave directions to the teams fighting on the field. He also helped hack the Big Demon mafia system so that their system was difficult to use.

The members of the Black Wolf Mafia divided into groups and then massacred the existing enemies. They shot and attacked continuously. The Big Devil mafia was overwhelmed, causing them to die one by one.

Meanwhile, an epic battle also takes place in the basement. Cylo fights Yukki. They are both great at fighting but they still have to beat each other. They have to kill each other.

Hans calls Cylo, "Cylo, what happened?" Ivo asks. He was confused because Cylo didn't go straight into the system space.

Cylo continued to fight with Yukki, "Wait a minute Ivo, I have a small problem. But I'll take care of it soon," Cylo says.

Cylo and Yukki looked at each other then they dropped their respective weapons. They want to fight manfully using their bare hands. This will be more fun.

Cylo and Yukki run towards each other and then they attack. Yukki kicks Cylo but Cylo can block it using his hands. Then Cylo attacks back. They fought very fiercely.

Yukki kicked and hit Cylo but was able to block all of Yukki's attacks. Cylo smirks. He hit Yukki's left shoulder and kicked Yukki's calf. Yukki screamed in pain then he attacked Cylo again. They fought very epic.

Yukki continues to attack Cylo blindly. He relentlessly attacks Cylo but Cylo just blocks it. Cylo looks for an opportunity until Yukki hits Cylo but Cylo holds Yukki's hand in the air.

Cylo smirks and then twists Yukki's hand until Yukki screams in pain. After that, Cylo kicked Yukki's stomach 3 times using his knee. Yukki was in pain, he was beaten badly by Cylo.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Cylo let go of Yukki's hand then hit him in the face and finally Cylo hit Yukki on the back.


Yukki fell to the floor. His mouth was bleeding. He is in pain.

Cylo smiles. He's done. Cylo takes his gun then he walks casually past Yukki who is lying limp on the floor. However, Yukki wakes up and shoots Cylo but Cylo manages to avoid it.

Cylo smirks, "Tsk, don't be a coward," Cylo says and then he takes his knife and throws the knife at Yukki's chest until Yukki finally dies.

"Hmm... you weakling," Cylo says.


The fight at the Big Devil mafia headquarters is still ongoing. Blood and corpses were scattered everywhere. So this base looks like a sea of ​​corpses.

There are also many bullet marks on the walls and several other things. Even weapons were scattered on the ground because their owners were dead.

Hans, who was in the headquarters with several Black Wolf mafia hackers, continued to direct the warriors in the field. Besides that, they also hacked the Big Devil mafia system. So that makes it even more difficult for the enemy. The situation of the Big Devil mafia is very cornered.

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