[24] Enjoying Life

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Currently, Cylo and Ivo are in the control room. They spent time together after Jeff and Law left some time ago.

If only Cylo and Ivo were selfish people, they wouldn't have let Jeff and Law go. These people continue with Jeff and Law. But Cylo and Ivo understand this, Jeff and Law are mafia. They must have been busy until Cylo and Ivo let Jeff and Law go.

This makes Cylo and Ivo understand something. Can they accompany Jeff and Law when something like this happens? Who knows. This feels very difficult. Many threats will come if they are with the mafia. Such as war, massacre, theft, attack, and betrayal.

Cylo and Ivo felt doubt within themselves. This is very difficult. Jeff and Law's enemies will hunt them down. Ivo looks at Cylo, "Cylo," Ivo says.

"What?" Cylo asks.

"I miss Law," Ivo says. He missed Law.

Cylo rolls his eyes, "Damn, he just left, Ivo," Cylo says.

Ivo nods, "Yeah, I know that. But I still want to be with Law. I want to get to know him better," Ivo says. He still wasn't willing to be abandoned by Law.

Cylo nods. Ivo is right, Cylo feels the same way. He also missed Jeff. Cylo is determined to get to know Jeff better. However, Jeff had urgent business. So he left Cylo like this.

Cylo looks at Ivo, "Nevertheless, we have to understand their work. They are the mafia. You too if this will happen," Cylo says, and then Ivo nods.

Ivo understands. But this incident made him doubt, "This made me hesitate about being Law's life partner," Ivo says. He had doubts.

Cylo is silent. He felt the same way too. This made him hesitate to become Jeff's life partner, "Yeah. Me too," Cylo says.

Honestly, Cylo and Ivo are still a little traumatized by the death of their family. Even though they have succeeded in revenge. But Cylo and Ivo are still afraid that the people closest to them will die. Cylo and Ivo are very afraid of this.

Previously, Cylo and Ivo had promised to protect each other. They also plan to quit their illegal jobs. They want to be normal people. Even they didn't want to return to the underworld like this.

However, now Cylo and Ivo are close to the leaders of the Black Wolf mafia group. The Black Wolf Mafia is one of the strongest and most numerous mafia groups. They are very famous among other mafia circles. So the Black Wolf Mafia certainly has many enemies.

This is of course inversely proportional to Cylo and Ivo's promises. They previously promised to finish their work in the underworld. But now they are going even deeper. If it was like this, they would never be able to get out of this kind of world.

Ivo looks at Cylo, "I'm scared, Cylo. I'm afraid Jeff and Law's enemies will attack us," Ivo says.

Cylo exhales, "Yeah, I'm scared too. This is completely contrary to our promise Ivo," Cylo says.

Ivo nods and then he hugs Cylo. Now, they are hugging each other. They provide support to each other.

Ivo looks at Cylo, "Now I have no one in this world. But I miss you, Cylo. We have a relationship with Jeff and Law. So I'm afraid that the Black Wolf Mafia enemy is targeting us both. They could have killed one of us. I'm really afraid of losing you Cylo," Ivo says while hugging Cylo. Ivo was very sad, he even cried.

Cylo, who saw Ivo crying, tightened his embrace on Ivo. Ivo is right, Cylo feels the same way. They have no one else in this world. Just Cylo and Ivo. Even though their friendship started with a fight, now they love each other. Cylo doesn't want to lose Ivo, and Ivo doesn't want to lose Cylo. They love each other.

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