[19] Compensation

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Law drives the car. He was with Ivo on their way to the Black Wolf mafia headquarters. Law glances at Ivo who is next to him.

"What are you doing, bastard!" Ivo says when Law strokes his thigh.

Law laughs. Ivo threw Law's hand off his thigh. He was annoyed with Law. How could Law abuse him even though he was driving. You perverted mafia!

Suddenly, Ivo imagined what it would be like if he became Law's boyfriend. Oh no, the perverted Law will continue to fuck himself. Ivo shuddered at the thought.

"Shut up! You perverted mafia!" Ivo says but it only made Law laugh even harder.

"I'm just kidding, baby," Law says while he laughs.

Ivo looks at Law. The tattooed man looks even more handsome when he laughs. Ivo likes it.

But speaking of which. Why was Law able to come to the Blood Mafia headquarters and save him? He even brought troops.

Ivo looks at Law, "Law. I was wondering why you came to the Blood Mafia headquarters and helped me and Cylo?" Ivo asks.

Law smiles. He looks at Ivo, "Yeah, it's a dominant's instinct to protect his submissive," Law says.

Ivo is annoyed, "ANSWER THE RIGHT, STUPID!!" Ivo shouts. Ivo exhales. Damn, he just wanted to get a satisfactory answer. But Law was always playing around and joking. Law is Truly a strange Mafia representative.

Law looks at Ivo, "Hehe. Jeff and I had predicted this. So we prepared with members of the Black Wolf mafia and then helped you," Law says.

Ivo frowns, "Really? I don't believe it."

Law nods, "Of course. That was Jeff and I estimate, as well as our instinct to protect you and Cylo," Law says, "Oh come on, baby. As a dominant, I won't let my submissive fight the enemy alone. So I help you to revenge," Law says while he looks at Ivo.

Damn, Ivo blushed. Law's gaze made Ivo embarrassed and happy. His heart was beating very fast. Law is very handsome when he talks seriously like that.

Ivo turned his gaze to the car window. He was embarrassed and blushing.

Law smiles when he sees Ivo who is blushing and embarrassed. Law understands this because he knows that Ivo is a tsundere.

Ivo still stared at the car window, "Thank you very much, Law," Ivo squeaked.

Law nods and then he smiles, "Anything for you, darling. But I want a kiss as a gift from you," Law says while he shows his cheek to Ivo.

Ivo smirks and then...


"Arghh... it hurts, darling," Law said when Ivo hit his cheek.

Ivo looks at Law. He was annoyed again, "You are such a perverted bastard!" Ivo says.

Law laughs, "I love you too, Ivo."

Ivo is silent. He was still annoyed with Law. But no matter what, Law had saved him. So, Ivo must appreciate Law's struggle.

Ivo gently stroked Law's cheek then...



At the same time, Cylo sat pensively beside Jeff. They were on their way to the Black Wolf mafia headquarters.

Cylo is still shocked by the incident. He didn't think he could do something like that to Vernon. He felt like he wasn't himself.

Jeff looks at Cylo. He understands what Cylo felt. Jeff gently rubbed Cylo's head. Finally, Cylo looks at Jeff.

Jeff smiles, "I understand your feelings. You must still be shocked by your behavior earlier," Jeff says.

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