[11] Another Trap

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Several days passed after Cylo and Ivo rejected an offer from Jeff and Law. Now, Cylo and Ivo are increasingly confident to complete this revenge mission alone. But even so, Cylo and Ivo also do not deny that this revenge mission is truly difficult. Even though, they still have not yet found the information of the Blood Mafia. Like where is their headquarters, how many members and other things.

Cylo looks at Ivo, "Never mind, we have to go to the city so we can use more sophisticated technology," Cylo says. Ivo nods, and he stops using his gadget.

Ivo exhales, "Yeah, then we'll just go to town the day after tomorrow."

"I agree. But our food is running out so we must go to the forest to look for the food materials," Cylo says.


After that, Cylo and Ivo change clothes and then they walk into the forest. They are happy with this activity, moreover, they have done it several times.

Cylo and Ivo walk along the path while they talking about random things. They admire the natural beauty here. They walked together until finally they arrived at the waterfall. They took photos at the waterfall.

"The waterfall is very beautiful," Ivo says and then he back walks with Cylo. They want deeper into the forest.

Cylo and Ivo still walking together. They pass through the big trees until finally, they arrive in the middle of the forest. Cylo and Ivo rest while they enjoy the beauty of nature here.

Cylo doesn't know about the plants. He doesn't know which plants can be eaten and which plants can't be eaten. But Ivo told him so now Cylo knows which plants he should take.

Cylo and Ivo are complete each other. Cylo is very good at cooking but when choosing food ingredients, Ivo is better than Cylo. So they complement each other.

"Okay, let's start."


Cylo and Ivo scatter and then they are lazy with their activity each other. Cylo is looking for the mushrooms, whereas Ivo is looking for the random plants to eat.

A few moments later, Cylo has gotten a lot of mushrooms and Ivo has gotten a lot of random plans. There is no electricity in their small house so Cylo and Ivo can't take too much food. So that the food doesn't rot.

Cylo approaches Ivo, "Is this enough?" Cylo asks.

Ivo nods, "Yeah."

After that, they walk to the western part of the forest. They will be looking for the fruits.

30 minutes passed. Now, Cylo and Ivo sitting on a large rock on the edge of the river. They have already got fruit so it's time for them to rest.

Cylo and Ivo eating an avocado while enjoying the beauty of nature. Breathe fresh air, enjoy the sound of water, and see the beautiful river. It's very pleasant.

Deep in Cylo and Ivo's hearts, they want to do this in their old age. Their work in the underworld truly drains their energy, time, and mind so they want to enjoy simple things like this.

"This is delicious," Ivo says while he eating an avocado.

Cylo nods, "Yeah, very delicious."

Cylo and Ivo eating an avocado until it's finished. After that, Cylo and Ivo prepare to catch the fish. Ivo puts his gadget on a rock and then he and Cylo down into the river.

Today is sunny. The water in this river was so clean that they could see the fish.

They looking for the fish. Ivo sees the fish then he throws his knife at the fish.

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