[34] Double Date

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Sunrise. The atmosphere this morning was very comfortable and calm. The wind blows from the sea to the land. So it makes the temperature a little cold but warm. This morning is very comfortable. Everyone had gotten up and started their respective activities.

Currently, Jeff, Law, Cylo, and Ivo are having breakfast in the dining room. They enjoyed this breakfast. There is a lot of seafood here. Because Cylo asked for it. Meanwhile, Jeff, Law, and Ivo just followed Cylo's wishes. Because they can eat any food.

Ivo looks at Cylo, "I've made a list for our double date today," Ivo says while he eats.

"Good, you are indeed reliable, Ivo. I'll look at it later," Cylo says while he eats.

Cylo and Ivo chat while they eat. They really can't wait to spend time in Bali. They want to visit all the tourist attractions here.

The list that Ivo made contains the tourist attractions they will visit. Including the places to eat nearby, and its uniqueness. folklore and so on. Cylo and Ivo really can't wait to leave.

Meanwhile, Jeff and Law just had breakfast. They pay attention to their respective submissives. Cylo and Ivo are adorable. They chatted while eating, making their mouths full. That's so cute. Jeff and Law love it.

Even so, there is a plan that has been prepared by Jeff and Law. They will test their submissives. The test is to play a simple game to prove whether Cylo and Ivo can fight them or not. The game will be exciting. Kenzo and Hans are preparing it.

"Never mind, finish your food. Aren't you guys looking forward to leaving?" Jeff says and then Cylo and Ivo nod.

Cylo and Ivo continue their meal. They want to leave immediately. Jeff and Law are the same. They also continued their meal.

Breakfast finished. Everything is full and ready to go.

They all changed into just casual shorts and t-shirts. Besides that, Cylo and Ivo also prepared their equipment. Starting from a change of clothes, bags, cream, cellphones, cameras, drones and other things.

After that, they left the villa. In front of them, there were 2 motorbikes that Ivo had rented to residents here. This is going to be a fun ride.

Law frowns, "Motorcycle? Seriously?" Law asks.

Ivo nods, "Of course, this is a fun vehicle here. Believe me, we can get to our destination quickly with this," Ivo says.

Jeff and Cylo nod. They don't mind. Jeff got on first then Cylo got on behind Jeff. They are ready to ride.

Ivo looks at Law, "Why? You mind, huh?" Ivo asks. He gave Law an angry look.

Law chuckles, "Of course not, honey. I believe in your choice," Law says and then he gets on the motorbike. Then Ivo climbed behind Law. They are also ready to ride.

Cylo and Ivo take out their cameras to document their journey. This will be so much fun, "Let's go!!" They say.

Jeff and Law rode their respective motorbikes. Meanwhile, Cylo and Ivo document their journey. They will head to Kelingking beach. Kelingking Beach is the most famous beach in Bali. Although there are many other beautiful beaches. But Kelingking Beach is the most favorite beach.

Jeff and Law continued to ride the motorbike at moderate speed. They enjoyed this trip. They saw many unique things here. Lots of beautiful beaches, lots of friendly local people, lots of traders and other things.

"Turn right and in 20 meters we will arrive," Ivo says. He navigated the journey well.

Jeff and Law nod. They continued driving until finally they saw the very beautiful Kelingking beach. They were fascinated by the natural beauty of this beach. This place is very beautiful.

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