[16] Revenge

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The clock shows 11 p.m. The time that prisoners often end in prison. Cylo and Ivo are already wearing their black costumes. Now the two cute boys are parking their vehicle quite far from the Blood Mafia headquarters. The reason is to make it easier for Cylo and Ivo to escape later.

Cylo and Ivo are ready for revenge now. Costumes were attached to their bodies, they had prepared firearms, sharp weapons, and bombs. They intend to completely slaughter the Blood mafia.

Cylo and Ivo look at each other and then they smirk as if to indicate that they are ready to slaughter.

Ivo looks at Cylo, "I really can't wait to put this bomb in his mouth," Ivo says.

Cylo nods, "Yeah, but let me skin him first," Cylo says.

The two cute boys nod and then they walk together. Their black costumes disguise their presence.

Cylo and Ivo are very ambitious to cruelly kill Venon, the leader of the Blood mafia. Like when Vernon ordered his men to cruelly kill Holland and Chelsea.

Cylo and Ivo stop walking, "The point is here," Ivo says. He took out a drone from his backpack.

Cylo is silent, he wants to see Ivo's prowess in controlling drones. Tonight is the night of revenge and Cylo and Ivo want to test the results of their training.

Ivo flies his drone to see the situation at the Blood Mafia headquarters. After that, Ivo controlled his drone to paralyze the guards.

Ivo smirks, "Keep calm."

Ivo's drone shot poisonous needles at the Blood mafia members who were on guard.


The guards fainted immediately after being hit by needle shots from Ivo's drone. Slowly but surely, Ivo paralyzed the guards using his drone until there were none left.

Ivo looks at Cylo and then he smiles, "Done."

Cylo nods, "Okay, stage one is complete. Now it's time for stage two," Cylo says and then Ivo nods.

"10 minutes enough?" Cylo asks.

Ivo nods, "That's more than enough," Ivo says.

"Okay, watch yourself, hacker," Cylo says.

"Yeah, you too, paid assassin," Ivo says.

Cylo and Ivo activate the countdown timer. After that, they run in opposite directions. Cylo goes left and Ivo goes right.

The second stage is to attach bombs around the Blood Mafia headquarters. This was in response to the Blood mafia destroying Cylo's house and Ivo's mansion.

Cylo runs to the left then he sticks bombs on the walls, in the corners of the base, and on the ground. You'll see, that Cylo will destroy this base as a form of revenge.

"I'm going to destroy this base, bastard," Cylo says then he puts another bomb on this part of the base.

At the same time, Ivo also attached a bomb to the wall of the Blood Mafia headquarters. Ivo stuck many bombs on the walls, in certain corners, and also on the ground. He deliberately bought lots of bombs so he could destroy this base to pieces.

Even so, Ivo felt strange because the guarding of this base was only carried out outside. Isn't there anyone here? Why is his guard so weak? I don't know, Ivo doesn't know.

Cylo contacts Ivo through the earpiece, "Ivo, have you seen anyone on patrol?" Cylo asks while he continues to attach bombs to this base.

"No, I didn't find it. The security here is really weak, I'm afraid there's a trap," Ivo says while he attaches a bomb to the mafia's headquarters.

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