[22] With Beta

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"Ah... fuck me Papa ahhh... mphhhhhh... ahhhhhh," Ivo sighed. when Law fucked him.

Law continued to move to continue fucking Ivo, "I'm cumming, honey," Law sighed.

It's already morning, but Law can't stand it when he sees Ivo who is still wearing his jersey without wearing pants. So Law again teased Ivo the same as last night.

Law and Ivo continue to make love. They satisfy each other. Really, morning sex is very delicious. Law continued to fuck Ivo until finally he and Ivo were satisfied. They finished making love.

Ivo fell asleep again. He was exhausted after morning sex just now. Law understands. He covered Ivo's naked body and then kissed his forehead. Law smiles. He was really satisfied after making love with Ivo. Law really loves this cute boy.

Now, Law won't bother Ivo. Law got up and walked towards the bathroom. He washed his face and cleaned his body. Law was very happy. He remembered what happened last night, when Ivo continued to moan in pleasure beneath him. Even Ivo kept moaning Law's name many times. That made Law happy.

Law had never been happier after making love. He usually makes love just to fulfill his lust. Not for love. But last night, Law really made love with the person he loved. That made Law very happy.

Ivo is very suitable as Law's partner. The cute boy was able to keep up with Law when it came to making love. They spent a beautiful and delicious evening satisfying each other.

Apart from that, another reason why Ivo is very suitable as Law's partner is because Ivo is a hacker. Ivo is a tough, agile, and smart person. Ivo is also very adorable even though he often says harsh things. But Law really loves him.

Law cleaned his body. After that, he came out of the bathroom and changed his clothes. Not long after, someone knocked on his room door. That's Darren. Darren delivered breakfast to Law's room. He is a great head chef and is responsible for his work. After doing his work, Darren said goodbye to Law.

Law looked at the food on the table. It seems like he will exercise first and then eat. Law also wanted to give Ivo a little more time, who was asleep.

Law went to the gym. This place is specifically for the mafia here. There are many members who are exercising. But he didn't see Jeff's presence here. Law had expected this, Jeff must have been exercising in his room because Cylo was there.

Okay, looks like today Law will be exercising alone. Law started warming up to get used to his muscles. After that, he did push-ups, sit-ups, and several other basic movements. Law exhales then he starts lifting weights.

Law's body was sweaty. Morning exercise really makes you healthy and has a good body. Law continued to exercise until he finally finished. His body was really sweaty.

Law walked towards his private room then he went inside. Law was suddenly shocked when he saw Ivo grimacing in pain. Law acquiesces Ivo, "What, honey?" Law asks.

Ivo looks at Law, he's in pain, "Shhhttt... my body hurts Law. Ahhh... my hole feels sore," He had difficulty moving his body, "I want to go to the bathroom," Ivo says.

Law grimaced. He forgot that last night he played too rough with Ivo, "I'll help you," Law said. He carried Ivo bridal style then Law sat Ivo in the bathtub.

Law offers to help Ivo. But Ivo refused. So Law rushed out. He didn't want to make Ivo even more angry. But earlier Law had seen a red streak on Ivo's cheek. Law knew that Ivo would be embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Ivo is in the bathroom blushing. He was very embarrassed when he saw the charming Law. Law was shirtless with a sweaty body. Law is very hot and sexy. It really made Ivo unable to stand it. So Ivo refused Law's offer to help him.

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