[30] The Massacre

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It's been a week since the submissives explained their reasons for leaving Jeff and Law. Now, their relationship is getting closer. Cylo and Ivo have opened up to Jeff and Law. They make a very good couple. Jeff loves Cylo and Law loves Ivo. Likewise, the submissives who love their respective dominants.

Jeff and Cylo's romantic relationship is getting closer. After Cylo explained the reasons why he left Jeff, Jeff became even more in love with Cylo. He truly believes that Cylo is the person destined for him. Jeff was very happy. Now, he can be with Cylo and it will stay that way. Forever.

Cylo is a strict, rigid, and vicious person. But he can be a very gentle and caring person. Cylo is truly Jeff's dream type. He is very suitable to be Jeff's companion.

Jeff looks at Cylo, "You ready, baby?" Jeff asks Cylo.

Cylo nods. He wore black clothes specifically for assassins while carrying several sharp weapons, "Of course, I'm ready to slaughter them all," Cylo says and then he smirks.

Cylo's smirk made Jeff smile. Cylo doesn't look scary but he looks adorable. Jeff liked it. Besides that, Cylo's sexy body is visible because he is wearing tight clothes. That makes Jeff horny, "You make me horny, baby," Jeff says. He approaches Cylo then...


Jeff kissed Cylo then Cylo kissed Jeff back. They kiss. Very delicious and hot.


The kiss is over, "Ahhh... I want to make love to you when you wear these clothes, baby," Jeff says.

Cylo smiles and then he squeezes Jeff's pants, "You can do that after we slaughter them," Cylo says.

Jeff smirks. Damn, is Cylo a different person now? He became very mischievous and naughty. But Jeff liked it, "Of course, we will win this battle. Me, you, Law, Ivo, and the other Black Wolf members will win. We will win this battle," Jeff says. He was confident of winning this battle.

Cylo smiles and then he kisses Jeff's forehead.

After that, they both left the room then Jeff headed to the meeting room while Cylo went to his team.

The meeting room is for conducting briefings before fighting. The Black Wolf Mafia has often done this.

Yeah, Jeff, Cylo, and the other Black Wolf members will massacre the mafia group who stole their technological algorithm.

They had interrogated the people they brought to the base. Then they received information that he was a member of the Big Devil mafia group led by a man named Demon.

Damn, they used that algorithm for world destruction. The Big Devil Mafia has hacked several planes and submarines to destroy other countries. So there was conflict between several countries.

This made Jeff angry so he decided to massacre all the members of the Big Devil mafia. He will kill them all. Jeff will also finish off Demon with his own hands.

Now that people are in the meeting room, "The point is here. We will all carry out violent killings from here and I and the other hackers will guide you in doing so," Hans explains while he shows his monitor. This aims to ensure that Black Wolf members on the battlefield know how they should attack.

Now everyone in this large room listens to all orders from the higher-ups in front, namely Jeff, Law, and Hans. They looked excited as if they wanted to immediately slaughter the Big Devil mafia.

Meanwhile, Kenzo, Cylo, and 3 other people are on their way to the Big Devil mafia headquarters. They are a team whose job is to paralyze the enemy's defenses. They consist of people who work as assassins. So they can kill the guards at Big Devin Mafia headquarters one by one.

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