[14] Thief Fox

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On a bright morning, in a room in a gay bar, a boy had woken up from his sleep. He turned his back to the other man who was hugging him.

Ivo, he's awake. But he was still reluctant to get out of bed because of the comfort he felt. A strong. The tattooed hand continued to hug him tightly, making him feel comfortable and safe.

Yeah, even though there was a commotion earlier because Ivo was pranking Law. But everything went well. However, if you remember, Ivo was embarrassed by his behavior. Inviting someone for skinship and touching his nipples? It's embarrassing.

Ivo turns his body to face Law, "I hope he has amnesia," Ivo says then he looks at Law who is asleep.

Last night, Law ended up with him fulfilling his desires in the bathroom. Apart from that, Ivo also knows that Law desperately holding back his desire to have sex with Ivo. Ivo was truly amazed at Law because he could restrain himself from fucking him.

"You are so handsome, Law," Ivo says while he looks at Law's face. Law's facial structure is firm, his nose is sharp, his eyebrows are thick and his skin is brown which makes Law look even more handsome.

Moreover, currently, Law is still as shitless as last night, so Ivo can see the tattoo of his name on Law's right shoulder. Wait, his name tattoo? But it's true. On Law's right shoulder, there is a tattoo that says ABIAVO SPENCER VIO, which is his name. Why didn't Ivo notice? Is this proof that Law is serious about him? Who knows. Ivo is confused.

However, it cannot be denied that Ivo is really happy about this. Of course, who wouldn't be happy if their full name was written like that? Law makes Ivo happy.

Ivo smiles, "You are bastard Law. You're such a charmer but I like you," Ivo says and then he kisses Law's forehead, "Mwah! Yeah, goodbye Beta. Thank you."


Cylo looks at Jeff, "You're a cold, flat, and cruel mafia. But when you sleep like this, you look very peaceful, Jeff. You're handsome," Cylo says while he looks at Jeff's face.

I don't know, Cylo is confused about his feelings. But one thing is certain, sleeping with Jeff makes him feel comfortable and safe. Besides that, Cylo also just remembered that he woke up very late, not like usual. Is it because of sleeping with Jeff? It seems not because last night Cylo had to desperately hold back his crazy heartbeat.

Jeff made him unable to sleep. Cylo looks at Jeff, "I don't usually sleep very soundly like this, but to be honest, when I'm in your arms it makes me feel comfortable and safe, Jeff," Cylo says.

If only things were easier, maybe Cylo would have accepted Jeff's love. However, Cylo is still unsure whether Jeff is truly in love with him or just lust. Hopefully, Jeff can prove his love for Cylo so that Cylo can receive the love of the mafia leader, "Thanks, Alpha," Cylo says and then he kisses Jeff's forehead.

After that, Cylo let go of Jeff's embrace and got out of bed. Cylo didn't want to do this because he was comfortable with Jeff. But there was a mission he had to complete. So Cylo had to leave Jeff.

Cylo takes some from this room then he packes his things. He takes his clothes that had Jeff's fingerprints on them and then he presses them against the door. Finally, the door opens.

The door opened, revealing Ivo who was looking annoyed at Cylo, "You're are late," Ivo says.

Cylo chuckles, "I said goodbye first," Cylo says.

Ivo rolls his eyes, "Okay okay, did you get the item?" Ivo asks and then Cylo nods.

Cylo raises his hand showing Jeff's car keys and wallet. Ivo also did the same thing, he raised his hand showing Law's car keys, wallet, and a flash disk that said Mafia Blood.

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