[23] Urgent Work

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Today is a very good day for Cylo. Because Cylo is very happy today. Jeff acts very sweet to him, yeah even though he tends to overdo it.

However, Cylo is a submissive. So when he was pampered and given attention by the dominant, Cylo was very happy. Now Cylo has made up his mind to accept Jeff's love.

This afternoon, Cylo, Jeff, Ivo, and Law did a lot of things. They saw Roger and played some games with the big black wolf. Roger is very scary but he is very smart. So that made Cylo and Ivo very impressed. Cylo and Ivo still can't believe that they can see the big and smart Alpha wolf. This mansion is very cool.

After playing with Roger, Jeff, and Law invited Cylo and Ivo to tour the mansion. They explained the various places in this base. Starting from the training room led by Kenzo, the medical room led by Kyle, the dining room led by Darren, and the central control room led by Hans.

While at the training ground, Jeff and Law invited Cylo and Ivo to practice shooting and close combat. During close combat, Cylo was defeated by Jeff, and Ivo was also defeated by Law. Very annoying. Even Cylo and Ivo were defeated by Jeff and Law during shooting practice. Double annoying.

Even so, Cylo and Ivo were still wondering why, when walking with Jeff and Law, none of the Black Wolf mafia members looked at them. Including Kenzo, Hans, Darren, and Kyle. Very strange, did Jeff and Law order this? Who knows. But Cylo and Ivo are grateful for this. Because they only wear oversized clothes and underwear.

It's night already. Cylo and Jeff are in Jeff's room. Jeff looks at Cylo, "What are you thinking about, baby?" Jeff says while he strokes Cylo's white hair.

Cylo looks at Jeff. Today has been very tiring. Even though Cylo was just walking around in this mansion. But because this mansion is so big, Cylo is a little tired, "I'm just thinking about today," Cylo says.

Jeff smiles, "Was it fun?" Jeff asks and then Cylo nods.

Cylo smiles, "Yeah, that was fun, Jeff. Thank you," Cylo says.

Today is really fun. After touring the mansion, Jeff and Law invited Cylo and Ivo to a luxurious outdoor dinner. It's so beautiful.

Cylo and Ivo didn't expect that Jeff and Law had prepared this plan. Cylo and Ivo are impressed. They have a double date. However, this double date is very special because Cylo and Ivo have a double date with the mafia. They're very happy.

Jeff looks at Cylo, "Thank goodness if you like that, baby," Jeff says then he approaches Cylo.

Cylo understands what Jeff means. Because he wants it too. Cylo approaches Jeff. Jeff and Cylo smile then they kiss. Their lips met then Jeff's tongue entered Cylo's mouth. They kissed each other. This kiss was so intoxicating.

Jeff stops kissing, "I love you, baby," Jeff says and then he kisses Cylo again.

They continued kissing. Jeff and Cylo touch each other's bodies. Sighs and moans of pleasure filled this room. Jeff and Cylo felt so hot that they finally got naked. They are ready to do something more delicious.

Cylo closed his eyes. This is so delicious, "Ahhh... Daddy Jeff... mpphhh... ahhhh..." Cylo sighs. He couldn't stand it anymore. Cylo is very horny.

Jeff smirks. He was happy that Cylo obeyed him. Cylo is truly beautiful when he's naughty like this. Jeff lifted Cylo's legs and then rimmed Cylo's hole. Cylo moaned loudly, making Jeff even more aroused. He continued rimming Cylo's hole. Until the Cylo hole is wet and ready to use.

"Ahhhh... Daddy Jeff ahhhhhh... mphhhh... shhhttt... ahhhhhh... Daddy... fuck me Daddy... ahhhhhh..." Cylo sighs.

Jeff smirks, "Anything for you, baby. I love you," Jeff says.

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