[29] Inside

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The fight is over. Now, the remaining members of the Black Wolf mafia are on their way back to the mansion.

All members were injured. Some even died on the spot. Jeff, Law, Cylo, and Ivo are also injured. Because their situation is unfavorable. But luckily they were still able to win the battle. Although some enemies managed to escape.

The good news is that Jeff has managed to bring one of them out alive. They will interrogate him, "Sir, please forgive me," He says. This person is currently being held captive by Kenzo and Hans.

The Black Wolf mafia members who heard this remained silent. Because they are guessing what Alpha and Beta will do to this person.

The members of the Black Wolf mafia really couldn't imagine what the fate of this person would be. Because he and his group had injured members of the Black Wolf mafia, even injuring Cylo and Ivo. Yeah, even though it's only a minor injury, who wouldn't be angry when their lover is hurt? Jeff and Law will finish this guy off.

Kenzo looks at him, "Never mind, just shut up. Our Alpha and Beta are kind and fun people, they would love to play with someone like you," Kenzo says. He captured the person.

Meanwhile, that person knows the meaning of Kenzo's words. He is scared. He was unlucky because he was caught by Jeff, even though he ran away into the forest. Even then he was going to commit suicide but Jeff took his gun so he couldn't commit suicide. Unlucky. He would be tortured.

Not long after, the Black Wolf mafia group arrived at the mansion. Kyle and several medical members greeted them. Everyone got out of the car and Kyle and members of the media helped the injured people.

Law looks at Kyle, "Kyle, treat them both specifically and intensively. Don't miss a single check on them," Law says to Kyle. He was very worried about Ivo.

"Also check the inside, just in case there are serious internal injuries," Jeff says. He was very worried about Cylo.

Kyle nods, "Yes, Alpha Beta," Kyle says.

Cylo looks at Jeff while Ivo looks at Law. They wonder why Jeff and Law are even worried about them. Even though they only suffered minor injuries. Whereas, Jeff and Law's injuries were worse than Cylo and Ivo's injuries. Jeff and Law are so over the top.

"We're okay, just injured in a few hard parts of the body. You should be the one looking out for yourself, Jeff," Cylo says. He was worried about Jeff.

Jeff smiles. Cylo was worried about him and that made him happy. Cylo had even saved him before. Is this a sign that Cylo loves him? Jeff didn't know but his feelings said 'yes'. Even so, there were many things Jeff wanted to ask Cylo.

Jeff smiles while he looks at Cylo, "Just you, baby. I'm really worried about your wound," Jeff says.

Ivo also felt the same thing. He was very worried about Law because Law had a gunshot wound to his body. He must be in pain but Law is worried about him, "You also need treatment, Law," Ivo says.

"I'm really good, darling. I'll have someone treat us both in the control room. You and Cylo quickly come with Kyle so he can be treated immediately and then you two meet us," Law says and then Jeff nods.

"Yeah, Law is right. You guys immediately follow Kyle to the treatment room so he can be treated immediately. Then meet us in the control room because there is something you have to explain to us," Jeff says.

Cylo and Ivo exhale and then they nod. They follow Kyle to the infirmary. They walk together until they finally arrive at the treatment room.

Once in the treatment room, Kyle immediately treats Cylo and Ivo one by one. As a doctor, he had often treated injuries like this. So it's not difficult for Kyle to treat Cylo and Ivo. Yeah, even though it takes quite a long time.

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