[27] Final Verdict

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"This is delicious, Cylo. You are a great chef," Ivo says and then Cylo smiles.

Now, the two cute boys are at the dining table. They had lunch together after finishing their work.

They have lived here for about 6 weeks, everything is safe and under control. There were no spies, no dangerous people targeting them, and nothing else to disturb their lives.

Now, Ivo works as a freelancer at home while Cylo works as a chef at a restaurant near here.

Honestly, Cylo and Ivo enjoy life like this. Now they both can do normal work. Without having to kill, fight, and quarrel. They live in a relaxed manner. They can spend time in places they like and even make memories together.

However, everything they have done still leaves an emptiness within them.

Cylo always misses Jeff. Ivo also always misses Law. These submissives miss their dominants. However, no one revealed this. Cylo and Ivo continue to deny that they don't want to return to Jeff and Law.

Cylo nods, "Okay, finish the food," Cylo says.

Cylo and Ivo return to lunch together. They both ate with about. But they actually couldn't bear to reveal the emptiness in their hearts anymore. But they were still embarrassed and naive because they had left Jeff and Law behind. It's like they are going back on their promises.

Cylo and Ivo eat together then they look at each other.



They talk together. They looked at each other as if they understood that what they were about to say would be very serious. So the two of them decided to finish their lunch first.

A few minutes passed, and the two sweet men had finished their lunch. They cleared the table and then moved to the sofa to make their conversation more comfortable.

Cylo and Ivo face off. Cylo looks at Ivo, "You go first, Ivo" Cylo says.

Ivo shakes his head, "No, you go first," Ivo says.

Cylo exhales. He was still embarrassed and confused about how to express it. But Cylo can't stand it anymore, "Huft... I enjoy a calm and normal life like this," Cylo says and then Ivo nods.

Cylo exhales, "But I feel there is something empty inside me. I... I miss Jeff," Cylo says. He was very embarrassed to reveal it.

Ivo smiles. He was happy to hear Cylo's words. Now, Ivo knows how Cylo feels about Jeff. He also felt the same way about Law. Ivo likes Law and he doesn't want denial anymore, "I miss Law too," Ivo says. He missed Law.

Cylo and Ivo are silent. They have opened up to each other. They have been honest about what they feel. Now, Cylo and Ivo will not be in denial. They will return to Jeff and Law even though this goes against their promise. But they will still break that promise.

Cylo and Ivo looked at each other then they hugged.

Cylo's body shook, his face turned red and tears started to come out. Cylo cried while hugging Ivo while hugging Ivo. Cylo felt deep sadness and regret. She felt guilty for leaving, Jeff. Leaving the person he loved.

Same as Cylo, Ivo was also crying while hugging Cylo. He regretted leaving Law. Ivo feels guilty towards Law. The person he always missed. The person who always makes him laugh. Ivo is back at Law.

Cylo and Ivo continue to hug. They cry together. Cylo and Ivo are truly sorry for leaving Jeff and Law. They want to get back to Jeff and Law. But they don't know. Cylo and Ivo are doubtful, will Jeff and Law accept them or not?

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