[36] The Penalty

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The game continues even without Jeff and Cylo. Because they have lost. So only Law and Ivo continued the game.

Now, the couple is spending their time at a restaurant in this mall. Because there are no people here, Cylo cooks. He cooks for himself and Jeff.

Cylo is confused about Jeff, why did he make the mall empty like this? Did Jeff rent them all? This is so unreasonable.

Jeff sat in a chair. He looks at Cylo, "Are you done, baby?" Jeff says. He waited for Cylo who was cooking.

Cylo nodes. He finished cooking and brought the food to the table. Cylo sits with Jeff. They face each other.

Jeff smiles. The food in front of him looked very delicious. Cylo is very good at cooking. This makes Jeff love Cylo even more.

Cylo looks at Jeff, "By the way, Jeff. Why did you bring me and Ivo to play a game like this?" Cylo asks and then he eats the food he has made.

Jeff swallowed his food. He looks at Cylo, "Hmm... This is just a little practice, baby. I just want you not to hesitate to hit me if you're pressed or whatever. Because you have to be able to protect yourself," Jeff explains, and then Cylo nods.

Cylo understands. Cylo is a mafia lover so he has to be strong. Although, he, Ivo, Jeff, and Law have succeeded in defeating the Big ​​Devil Mafia. But still, it's just a small thing. So they will face bigger things in the future.

Now, Cylo truly realizes how difficult it is to be a mafia lover. But he won't back down, Cylo is ready for this. He will continue to train to be able to keep up with Jeff. Cylo will continue to support Jeff and be with Jeff, forever.

After that, Jeff and Cylo continued their meal. They ate quietly. Cylo's cooking is so delicious that Jeff likes it.

Jeff looks at Cylo, "If you win, what do you want from me, baby?" Jeff asks.

Cylo shakes his head, "I don't know yet. I'll probably discuss it with Ivo first," Cylo says, "Then if you win, what do you want from me, Jeff?" Cylo asks.

Jeff smirks. He looks lewd. "You have to dance stripes for me, baby," Jeff says, making Cylo reflexively hit Jeff in the face.


"FUCKING MAFIA PERVERTS!!" Cylo shouts. He blushed. Damn, Jeff is such a pervert.

Cylo couldn't imagine having to dance stripes in front of Jeff. That would be very embarrassing. Cylo doesn't want to do it. Ivo, hopefully, you win. No, you have to win Ivo!

Jeff smiles. He couldn't wait to see Cylo dancing in front of him. Jeff is sure that Law can win this game.

On the other side, Ivo is still being chased by Law. This is tense because Law continues to chase Ivo. Law ran very fast and it scared Ivo. Law is very scary.

Ivo continued to run then suddenly he bent down and tackled Law. Law, who was running very fast, couldn't avoid it so he fell very hard.


Law fell in pain. He didn't know if Ivo would do that. Law smiles, he is proud of Ivo. This is what he wants. Law wants Ivo not to hesitate to attack him. Law wants to train Ivo so he can take care of himself.

Meanwhile, Ivo didn't want to take the chance. He ran away leaving Law who was still in pain. Ivo was really happy because he could be free from Law's pursuit.

Ivo hides again in a clothing store. He didn't know where the gift box containing Law's name was located. Damn it, where did he have to look for the box? Ivo was very confused.

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