[35] Game

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Currently, Jeff, Law, Cylo, and Ivo are already in front of the mall. Yeah, Jeff and Law are serious about inviting Cylo and Ivo to play at the mall. This mall is not too big but quite spacious.

However, Cylo and Ivo felt strange because the mall was quiet. No visitors. There wasn't even anyone in the mall. Even though all the lights were on and there was nothing strange. But why are there no visitors?

Not long after, Hans and Kenzo came to Cylo and Ivo's surprise. They didn't expect Hans and Kenzo to be in Bali too. When did they get here?

"We've got everything ready, Alpha Beta," Hans says and Jeff nods.

Law nods, "Okay, thanks. You guys can go," Law says, and then Hans and Kenzo nod.

Hans and Kenzo greeted Jeff and Law, "Excuse me," They said.

Cylo and Ivo were silent. They were still surprised by the sudden arrival of Hans and Kenzo. Why are the two of them preparing this mall? Damn, it looks like they're going to play an unusual game. Even, Cylo and Ivo are sure that in the future there will be punishment.

Hans and Kenzo left Jeff, Law, Cylo, and Ivo.

Law looks at Cylo and Ivo, "Hmm... this is an easy game. We've cleared the mall so we can play to our heart's content," Law says.

Jeff nods, "Yeah, this game is made to prove whether you are suitable to be our partner," Jeff says.

Cylo and Ivo nod. Yeah, they understand. But what game will they play?

Law smiles, "I'll explain the game. It's very simple, you have to scatter all over the place in this mall. Then we will chase you. If you are caught then we win and you can order us to do anything," Law explains.

Cylo and Ivo nodded, "Then, how can we defeat you?" Cylo asks and Ivo nods.

Yeah, Cylo and Ivo are curious. Because they couldn't possibly keep running away from Jeff and Law. They also have to fight to win the game.

Law smiled, "That's easy, you just need to look for the objects that Hans and Kenzo have hidden in this mall. It contains our names. So if you find that object then we will be out of the game," Law explains.

Ivo nods, "Okay, we understand. This will be an easy game. Isn't that right Cylo?" Ivo says.

Cylo nods, "Of course, we will win this game, Ivo," Cylo says. He is very confident that he can win this game.

Jeff and Law smirk. They couldn't wait to play, "This game will end at midnight tonight. This means we have 4 hours to play. Besides that, don't forget the agreement where the loser must accept orders from the winner without arguing. Agree?" Jeff says.

Jeff gives his hand to Cylo and Law gives his hand to Ivo. Cylo and Ivo nodded then they shook hands with Jeff and Law, "AGREE!!"

Game starts. Dominants and submissives get ready. This will be a tense and fun game.

"We give you 10 minutes to run first," Jeff says, and then Cylo and Ivo nod.

"Okay, you can run first, honey. Then the next 10 minutes, Cylo," Law says.

Ivo nods. He ran into the mall. The mall is empty. Ivo ran and he looked for a place for him to hide. He must be able to win this game.

Meanwhile, outside the mall, Cylo was still silent because he had to wait 10 minutes. Unfortunately, Cylo had been fooled. Because this rule means he can't be with Ivo. Jeff and Law are sneaky. They perverted mafia!

Jeff looks at Cylo, "Okay, baby. It's been 10 minutes and you can enter the mall," Jeff says and then Cylo nods. He entered the mall.

Cylo looks for Ivo but he doesn't find him. Damn, looks like he'll have to find a hiding place himself. Cylo must win this game.

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