[17] Unexpected Help

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Shots were shot from the Black Wolf mafia, killing the Blood mafia who were about to shoot Cylo and Ivo. The Black Wolf mafia came because they were ordered by their leaders, namely Jeff and Law.

Cylo and Ivo are shocked, they didn't expect that the Black Wolf mafia would come here and save them. Cylo and Ivo are moved, is this proof that Jeff and Law are serious about them? Who knows.

Cylo helps Ivo up and then they get ready. Now, Cylo and Ivo are ready to fight again.



Gunfire continues, destroying the base. Blood was everywhere and more and more people were dying. But the fight continues.

Law approached Ivo, "Are you okay, baby?" Law asks.

Ivo just nods. He still didn't expect that Law would come to this place to help him. Does Law love him? I don't know, Ivo is confused. But he was very grateful to Law and the Black Wolf mafia who saved him because otherwise he would have died.

Law smiles. He looks at Ivo, "I will prove my love to you, Ivo," Law says.

Ivo smiles, "You have to do that to get me," Ivo says and then Law smiles.

But Law suddenly became angry when he saw the many wounds on Ivo's body. Unfortunately, his beloved was injured and this made Law angry. He had to immediately finish off the Blood mafia who had injured Ivo.

Meanwhile, Jeff approaches Cylo, "You're hurt, honey," Jeff says.

Cylo rolls his eyes, "Of course, I'm fighting," Cylo says.

Jeff nods. He's really angry now. Cylo's body had many wounds and that made Jeff want to immediately finish off the Blood mafia. They had hurt his darling.

The battle between the Blood mafia and the Black Wolf mafia continues. They attacked each other. gunfire and scuffles continued. The chaos in this base is getting out of control.

Law and Ivo fight together. They turned their backs on each other. Then they start attacking the Blood Mafia simultaneously.

They are equally strong. Law and Ivo finished off the Blood Mafia easily. Law's agile and sadistic movements when he killed impressed Ivo. Ivo watches Law use his knife to kill the Blood Mafia one by one. Now, Ivo knows the reason why Law became deputy head of the Black Wolf mafia. He's great.

But Ivo also doesn't want to lose to Law. He shoots the Blood mafia until they die. Here, Ivo intends to take revenge so he has to slaughter all the Blood mafia.

Law looks at Ivo, "Your fighting style is beautiful, darling," Law says.

Ivo smiles, "Yeah, your fighting style is great too, Law," Ivo says.

Law smirks, "But your fighting style makes me horny, baby," Law says.

"YOU MAFIA PERVERTS!!" Ivo shouts and then he fights again.

Law and Ivo fight together. They work together to attack while protecting each other. They slaughtered the Blood Mafia one by one.

At the same time, Cylo and Jeff also fight together. They have a similar fighting style which makes Jeff and Cylo even more powerful. They slaughtered the Blood Mafia simultaneously while protecting each other.

However, Jeff is secretly tempted by Cylo's sexiness when he fights.


Jeff slapped Cylo's ass. Cylo glared at Jeff. But Jeff just chuckles, "You're so hot, baby. I can't stand it," Jeff says.

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