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"Come on, Ivo. We have to hurry," Cylo says while he wakes Ivo.

Cylo keeps waking Ivo up but Ivo is still fast asleep. Now, Cylo is in Law's room. He went here just to wake up Ivo.

The two of them of course slept separately in their respective dominants' rooms. Last night they tried to express their longing for Jeff and Law.

Indeed, Cylo and Ivo are very unwilling to do this. But this is the best way for them to protect each other. They didn't want to lose the people they considered family. Cylo to Ivo and Ivo to Cylo.

Cylo exhales. He was annoyed with Ivo. They have to run away immediately but Ivo is still sleeping, "Tsk, wake up quickly, Ivo," Cylo says.

"Umm... Law," Ivo mumbled. He was still asleep.

Damn, Cylo really couldn't understand Ivo's behavior. Even though yesterday, he was the most enthusiastic person, now he was like this. Besides, Jeff and Law already said they would be going home today. Cylo and Ivo don't have much time.

Cylo hits Ivo, "I'm not your lover, you fool. Come on, hurry up, Ivo," Cylo says and then he shakes Ivo's body.

Ivo held Cylo's hand, "Okay okay, I woke up," Ivo says.

Ivo wakes up and he goes to the bathroom. He cleaned himself. A few moments later, Ivo came out of the bathroom. He was clean and fragrant.

Cylo looks at Ivo, "Already?" Cylo asks and then Ivo nods.

Ivo took his bag which was under the bed. Ivo shows his bag to Cylo. It was a sign that everything they needed had been prepared by Ivo.

Cylo nods. Yeah, he understands. Even though Ivo looks childish. But actually, he is reliable. The proof is that Ivo has prepared a bag containing many items that they can use to escape from this mansion.

Cylo and Ivo change clothes. They wore simple clothes so that they would not be too suspicious of being members of the Black Wolf Mafia. Their first task is to get a sophisticated car with unique modified features. Because with this car, Cylo and Ivo escaped from this mansion.

Ivo and Cylo walk together. They look relaxed and normal. Because they are afraid of being suspected by members of the Black Wolf mafia. Cylo and Ivo greeted the members of the Black Wolf Mafia very friendly.

Cylo and Ivo ran into Darren, "Morning Mr Cylo and Mr Ivo," Darren said. He will deliver food to the people in this mansion.

"Morning, Darren," Cylo and Ivo say. They are very friendly.

They talk to Darren so they don't look suspicious. After that, Cylo and Ivo walked together again. No one suspected them.

They continued walking until finally Ivo and Cylo reached the basement. They were in a special room where Jeff and Law kept their sophisticated vehicles. Luckily, Cylo and Ivo already know how to enter this room. Ivo has even studied several of the features of the car they are looking for.

"Morning, Mr. Cylo and Mr. Ivo," Hans said suddenly, surprising Cylo and Ivo.

Fuck! Why is the hacker leader suddenly here? Troublesome. If there were Hans like this, they would have difficulty stealing the car they were after. Even Cylo and Ivo will find it difficult to escape from here.

"Hello Hans," Cylo and Ivo said. They pretend to be friendly.

Cylo and Ivo are confused. Hans is here and this makes it difficult for their plans to be carried out. Cylo and Ivo know that Hans is a good person. But he is very obedient to Jeff and Law. So Cylo and Ivo are sure that Hans will not let them escape from here.

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