[20] Punishment

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This is truly crazy stuff. Cylo and Ivo are very upset. Why did Jeff and Law ask Ivo and Cylo for something like that as compensation? They are perverted!

In front of Cylo and Ivo, there is a sleeveless jersey. This jersey is still sweaty because Jeff and Law have worn it for exercise. So Cylo and Ivo were told to wear the jerseys Jeff and Law. Apart from that, they were also told to wear women's underwear. Damn! Jeff and Law perverted mafia!

Not only that, Jeff also asked Cylo to call him Daddy while Law asked Ivo to call him Papa. If not, then Cylo and Ivo must compensate Jeff and Law twice as much.

Jeff looks at Cylo, "So?" Jeff asks.


Ivo covered Cylo's mouth, "We agree! Come on, Cylo," Ivo says, making Jeff and Law smirk.

Cylo looks at Ivo. He is annoyed at Ivo for taking this perverted prisoner. But Ivo didn't care. He still forces Cylo to follow him. Finally, Cylo complied and he and Ivo brought the jersey and women's underwear that Jeff and Law had given them.

They went into the bathroom in this room to change clothes.

Cylo looks at Ivo. He's still upset, "Why did you agree to this? I don't want to do this," Cylo says.

Ivo shrugs, "We have no other choice, Cylo," Ivo says. He looks at Cylo, "Never mind, Cylo. We don't have another choice. I don't want to compensate them twice as much," Ivo says.

Cylo exhales, "Tsk, okay!"

Ivo smiles, "Do you want double the compensation for them?" Ivo asks and then Cylo shakes his head.


Ivo chuckles, "Yeah, they're so perverted!" Ivo says.

"Yeah, at least I want to wear men's panties. Not women's panties like this. Fuck!" Cylo says.

Ivo laughs. He also wondered why Law and Jeff gave them women's panties. Maybe to make it look sexy? Who knows.

Cylo gets red underwear and Ivo gets purple underwear. They don't want to wear it.

Apart from that, the jerseys that Jeff and Law gave Cylo and Ivo were wet. This jersey is soaked with sweat. So that Cylo can inhale the smell of Jeff's sweat and Ivo can inhale Law's sweat.

Ivo inhaled the smell of Law's sweat, "Hmm... it smells very masculine," Ivo said.

Cylo also inhaled the smell of Jeff's sweat, "Hmm... yeah, the smell of Jeff's sweat is also very masculine," Cylo says.

Cylo and Ivo look at each other. For some reason, after inhaling the smell of Jeff and Law's sweat, Cylo and Ivo wanted to wear them immediately.

They took off their clothes and then put on their jersey and underwear. Even though it feels a bit strange, it is still comfortable.

Cylo and Ivo look at each other's appearance. They laugh because they are amused by each other's appearance. But even so, they look even sexier. Luckily, the jerseys that Jeff and Law gave were large sizes. So it can cover Cylo and Ivo's genital area.

Cylo looked at Ivo, "Fuck! They're so perverted!" Cylo says.

Ivo nods, "Yes, their fetish is very strange. But I like it," says Ivo.

Cylo and Ivo look at each other then they laugh. Unlucky! It's very purposeful. But Cylo and Ivo will still do it. They feel challenged.

They are not naughty. This is just their total for damages to Jeff and Law. Yes, think of it like that.

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