[5] Mafia Traps

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"WHAT IS THIS?," the Woman who owned the rental house shouts.

Cylo and Ivo face to face. They just remembered that they had destroyed this rental house.

They are panicking, "FUCK!!" Cylo and Ivo say together.

Cylo and Ivo run, they are very panicky. The rental house has been destroyed. The walls have holes and cracks, glass breaks, electronic equipment explodes, and everything is destroyed. This is serious.

Ivo and Cylo exit this rental house through the window. They run over people's houses and then jump over them. Ivo and Cylo do parkour to escape the anger of the woman who owns the rental house. They run away irresponsibly. Really cute boys who are naughty but shrewd.

Cylo looks to Ivo, "Let's go to my hotel. We'll discuss plans to destroy that thing," Cylo says. Cylo runs to his hotel.

Ivo nods, and he follows Cylo. They run together to Cylo's hotel room.

Ivo smiles while running. He feels that he is compatible with Cylo. Who knows, it turns out that a paid assassin like Cylo isn't as bad as Ivo thought. At least as a temporary partner.

Cylo felts too if he is compatible with Ivo. Cylo previously had partners and one of them was Jaki. But of all his partners, Cylo had never felt anything like this. He is compatible with Ivo. He and Ivo are like close friends who haven't seen each other for a long time. However, Cylo must remain alert.

After a 20-minute run finally, Cylo and Ivo arrived at the hotel. They go to Cylo's room.

Ivo looks at this room. Quite luxurious and comfortable, not like a paid assassin's room. Ivo sat on the bed while Cylo went into a room. A few moments later, Cylo returns with a medical box. Yes, they almost forgot that they were hurt.

Cylo sits on the carpet, "Treat your wounds," Cylo says then he opens a medical box and treats his wounds.

Ivo nods and he follows Cylo to sit on the carpet. He takes some medical drugs and he treat his wounds.

Silent. The two cute boys treat their respective wounds. They had just met so they were still a little awkward.

But, Ivo really can't stand this atmosphere. He doesn't like silence. Ivo wasn't used to being a quiet person, he had to do something.

Ivo exhales, "Tsk, is there nothing to talk about?" Ivo says while treating his wounds. But Cylo glances at Ivo.

"Treat your wounds first, you noisy bastard," Cylo says. He looks at Ivo then he smiles mockingly, "I'm hesitant to work with you."

"What? I'm a professional hacker. Of course, I'm better than you." Ivo says. He smiles mockingly to Cylo, "In fact, I should be hesitant to work with you. Looks this room, very neat and clean, unlike most assassin's rooms. This is like a girl's room," Ivo says.

"Watch your words! I'm better than you. So what if a paid assassin has a neat and clean room like this? After all, this is only a temporary room," Cylo says.


"Be quiet! After you treat your wounds. Let's discuss a plan to destroy that thing."

Ivo exhales and he treats his wounds. Ivo and Cylo treat their wounds. Silent. After that, Cylo packs up the medical box and puts it away. He went back to meet Ivo to discuss with him. Ivo sat on the bed and Cylo stood leaning against the wall. They face each other.

"Okay, because I prefer to execute without a plan so I'm allowing you to make a plan," Cylo says. Ivo frowns, he is surprised.

"O-okey," Ivo says and Cylo nods.

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