[4] New Partners

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After this tense and exciting incident, Ivo was truly satisfied. He managed to get the suitcase containing the mind control chipset. Now, he walks to a rental house to rest and treat his wounds. Ivo's plan doesn't work perfectly because a paid assassin messed it up.  But Ivo still gets the mind control chipset. 

Ivo goes to a rental house. The rental house is near the port so that Ivo can go home quickly later. Even though this rental house is not too big, it is very comfortable and minimalist. Especially, the interior of this rental house is very cute because it uses a traditional interior.

Ivo sitting on the sofa, "Ahh... very comfortable," Ivo says.

He leans on the sofa then he closes his eyes. Suddenly, Ivo remembered if he didn't immediately save himself then he might have died. Especially, the members of the Black Wolf Mafia bombard him with gunfire. Fortunately, Ivo can survive and even he gets the mind control chipset.

Ivo exhales, "Looks like after this I will be targeted by the Black Wolf Mafia to be killed." Ivo says.

He believes that this is not the end because Ivo knows the actions of the Black Wolf Mafia. They will target him and will never let him go.

Ivo opens his eyes, "Huft... forget it, Ivo, don't think too much about it. But if it happens then I'll think about it."

Alright, rather than getting dizzy thinking about things that haven't happened yet, Ivo would be better off immediately opening the suitcase containing the mind control chipset.


The suitcase opened. There is a mind control chipset and some serums. Ivo analyzes it then he nods while smiling. This is a mind control chipset and some serums made by Robert. But Ivo sees strange things. There is a section of the suitcase that is empty, indicating that there was previously something in that section but now there isn't any.


Ivo looks towards the source of the sound, "YOU AGAIN!!" Ivo shouts.

A paid assassin, Cylo is a person who smashes the door of his rental house. Ivo sees Cylo and Cylo sees Ivo. They intimidate each other.

Ivo doesn't know why this person found him. Why does he always meet him? Did God bring Ivo together with this paid assassin so Ivo could kill him? If yes? Ivo will be happy to do it. Yes, Ivo must kill this white-haired boy.



Before Ivo had time to speak, Cylo had already shot him but luckily Ivo was able to avoid it.

Ivo is angry, "Fuck!" He shouts Cylo. Cylo and Ivo shooting at each other.

They resumed their fight. Suddenly this rental house became a fighting arena. They want to fulfill their desire to fight while fighting for the mind control chipset. Cylo and Ivo want to fight to the bitter end and they want to beat each other.


This rental house was damaged, the walls had holes and cracks as a result of being a shooting arena. Even some electronic devices exploded.

"Okay, let's finish this manly!" Cylo says.

"Of course!"

The two cute boys face to face then they drop their respective guns. Now, Cylo and Ivo mounted their sawbucks. They are fighting again. Hits, Kicks, and backlash are inevitable. They put out all their energy and strength to prove who deserves to lose and win.

Ivo kicks Cylo's right leg and Cylo replies with hits Ivo's left shoulder. This is the third round. They fought brutally as if their strength had no end. Their bodies had gunshot wounds and now there were more bruises from each other's attacks.

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