[28] This Auction

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It's exactly midnight local time. Everyone in the exp building was ready. They will participate in the auction. They already have their target items. Including, Jeff and Law who are targeting technology control algorithms.

This building is very busy. The place is in the city center of this country. However, not just anyone can take part in this auction. Only those who are already members can take part in this auction.

The auction committee is responsible for everything that happens in this building. But if it is outside the building then that is each individual's responsibility. So usually there are lots of fights after the auction is over.

There are so many people here. Starting from the mafia, criminals, FBI agents, or even government groups. Everyone here has a different background with their interests. They are people who have high power and even have a high influence on the world.

Jeff and Law are sitting with Max and Nathan. They are an allied mafia group so they are quite close. Max looks at Law and Jeff, "So you were abandoned by them?" Max asks.

Max is the head of the Leopard mafia. The Leopard Mafia is a mafia group that is allied with Black Wolf. Their cooperative relationship is quite close. Jeff and Law are good friends with Max. They often talk about sex and cute boys.

Law nods. He drank the wine, "Yeah, and we're currently looking for them. They are very good at hiding," Law says.

Jeff nods and Max understands. It turns out, the leaders of the Black Wolf mafia are falling out of love. So Max could only encourage Jeff and Law. He was grateful because he had his boyfriend, Nathan, who was now sitting with him.

Previously, Max was straight, but seeing Law making love with a boy made Max curious. Law continues to poison Max so that Max tries to make love with a boy until Max finally does. So that's when Max admitted that he was gay and wanted to date a boy.

Fortunately, Nathan, who is Max's assistant, has liked him for a long time. It was really surprising that Max ended up loving Nathan too. Now, they are lovers. Max was very grateful for this. Because he got a boyfriend who already understands his life as a mafia.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the auction will begin soon," a male guide says. He is the one organizing this auction here.

Hearing this. Everyone here is focused on the stage. They no longer carry out their respective activities. Everyone is focused on participating in the auction well so they can get the items they want.

On this stage, many sexy women were seen starting to dance very erotically as an opening performance. Then they continued by showing several items that would be auctioned tonight. There are ancient urns from China, real mummified corpses, and several other objects. But what attracts everyone's attention here is the algorithm that can control all technology remotely.

"And finally we have this technological algorithm that can control machines remotely," a male guide says.

The algorithm is demonstrated. A monitor screen displays a plane flying in the air. Then a woman used the algorithm to hack the plane. She deliberately turned off the plane's systems until the plane finally crashed and exploded.

Everyone was stunned. Algorithms are both dangerous and profitable. So they have to get that technology. Jeff, Law, and Max felt the same thing. They also want the algorithm for their interests.

"The auction begins. Please bring in the first item."

The first auction began by featuring antique urns from China. This succeeded in making antique hunters bid for the object.

This was truly a very lively auction. Many people offer fantastic prices for the items they want.

One by one the objects being auctioned were sold until one last object was left, namely the algorithm that was demonstrated earlier, "This is the last object we are auctioning. Algorithms that can hack any technology remotely."

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