[26] Lying to Himself

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Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Jeff was furious. He seemed to want to destroy the world. Some time ago, he was contacted by Hans who informed him that Cylo and Ivo had run away. Of course, Jeff was very angry and disappointed.

Why did Cylo leave him? Even though they didn't have any problems. Even last night, they had a video call together and everything was fine. But now? Cylo just left Jeff like that. Without apparent reason. Confusing.

Law also felt the same way. He was very angry and disappointed in Ivo and Cylo. Why did they run away when he and Jeff had finished solving the problems in Mexico? Fuck! Law didn't understand what was on Ivo's mind. What did Law do wrong that made Ivo leave him again?

Jeff and Law are on their way to the Black Wolf Mafia mansion. But they turned to catch Cylo and Ivo's car heading west, "Chase their car," Jeff ordered Zayn.

Zayn nods, "Yes, Alpha," Zayn says. He increased the speed of this car.

Zayn is the leader of a car gang. He had his men as well as his territory. Jeff and Law experienced an incident in Zayn's area until they finally got to know each other. Then Zayn became Jeff and Law's driver because of his very high driving skills. Yeah, even though Zayn remains the leader of his car gang.

Jeff and Law are furious. They can't understand what their respective submissives are doing. There are many questions that Jeff and Law want to ask Cylo and Ivo. They want to know why Cylo and Ivo left them.

Zayn is increasing the speed of this car. He took an alternative route to catch Cylo and Ivo. Zayn continues to drive the car quickly. He shows his skills until he finally sees Cylo and Ivo's car.

Jeff and Law smirked. Now they can see their car being used by Cylo and Ivo, "Don't let them get away," Law says and then Zayn nods.

Zayn increased the speed of his car until he finally caught up with Cylo and Ivo. The distance between his car and Cylo and Ivo's car is 5 meters. They are very close.

Cylo and Ivo realized that behind them was Jeff and Law's car. They increased the speed of their cars to escape this.

Cylo and Ivo continue to run away while Jeff and Law chase Cylo and Ivo. Dominants will not let go of the submissives they love. Will never.

Cylo looks at Ivo, "Fast!" Cylo says.

Ivo nods, "Huft... we're close now," Ivo says and then he increases the speed of the car. They continued to speed up until finally, Ivo braked his car.

They are trapped. This is a dead end. They are on a cliff that leads directly to the open sea. Ivo turned the car around until they were facing away from the cliff. But they were too late. Jeff, Law, and members of the Black Wolf Mafia had surrounded them.

Damn it, it turns out they were surrounded. On the left and right there are members of the Black Wolf mafia, while in front of them, there are Jeff and Law.

Cylo locked eyes with Jeff and Ivo locked eyes with Law. Jeff and Law look angry, disappointed, and sad. Cylo and Ivo become confused. They are confused about what they should do. Cylo and Ivo feel guilty for Jeff and Law but still, they have to do this.

"You are surrounded," A member of the Black Wolf Mafia says.

Jeff and Law were silent. They want to know what Cylo and Ivo will do. Because Cylo and Ivo are surrounded now.

Cylo and Ivo looked at each other then they nodded. They have decided to leave Jeff and Law. They want to live quietly and peacefully without dealing with the underworld. They want to survive the enemies Jeff and Law.

Cylo and Ivo exhale then Ivo starts the car engine. He spun the tires so fast that it alerted the Black Wolf Mafia. The entire Black Wolf Mafia prepares to stop Cylo and Ivo, but Ivo instead reverses his car until his car falls into the sea.

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