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Gabriela's pov

I walk in a few minutes after talking to richarlison, being in the same hotel as him will totally not help the my thoughts about him right now. He's incredibly attractive and I don't think I ever realized that until today to be honest. It might have just been me but I felt as if the eye contact was going to eat me alive.

I was looking down at my phone trying to text alma about my encounter with a hottie before I heard the sound of the footsteps of the person walking infront of me stop. I looked up away from my phone and met with Richarlison, again. "are you following me?" He asked. I stared at him for a moment before realizing how off it would've seemed. Some girl just asking him questions and then going right inside the exact same hotel as him, "no sorry, I was not. God I wish I had time for stalking" I said and he laughed. "You staying here then?" He said as both of us began walking towards the elevator.

"Yep and you're gonna have to prepare to see more of me because my job requires following you guys to Qatar" I smiled as we both entered the elevator. "Oof colírio para os olhos" (oof eye candy) he said as I turned and looked at him with a 'are u serious' look plastered on.

I was in floor no 5 and I entered it on the elevator while he pressed no9 and I could tell he mentally noted that down. The elevator door opened to my floor and I stepped out, I looked back to see the 6ft tall guy wink at me as I had blood rush to my cheeks but it wasn't evident thankfully. I waved and so did he, I'm looking forward to this upcoming month


I woke up the next morning without the need of Alma having to yell at me and got dressed for the day. A pair of baggy jeans and a tank top would be the most comfortable and just a few cute accessories would be ideal. I plan on getting a few statements today before going back home to pack for Qatar. I left the hotel to the nearest cafe in search of a cup of coffee which basically fuels me to stay alive. I got what I wanted and I was walking back to the hotel hoping to find out whether the team had already left or not.

Making my way back into the room I dropped my phone on the bed before I heard a sudden banging on the room door, in confusion as to who on earth it was I went up to the door and opened it. Infront of me stood a panting Brazilian "hey Gabriela" richarlison said taking a breath. "Are you okay?" I questioned genuinely concerned. "Not really, I just went knocking on all the doors until I found yours" he said. "Oh my god" I invited him in and asked filled a glass of water for him.

"I'd expect footballer to have more stamina" I said and he rolled his eyes. "I'm supposed to be down in 5 minutes before the bus leaves so I just ran down the stairs cuz I couldn't wait for the elevator" he said taking the glass from my hand and gulping the whole thing down. My eyes couldn't help but stare at how his Adam's apple was so distinct.

"All that just to find me?" I smiled thinking how crazy this guy was. "Yeah, when I see a pretty girl I go after her" he winked and I tried to hold back my smile. "How many girls has tht worked on" "yeah not as many as you'd think" he scratched the back of his head.

His phone began ringing and he immediately got tense, "shit" he exclaimed reminding me that he needed to leave for practice. "Now that I found you Linda, can I get your number" I bit my lip "sure" i said typing it onto his phone.

He took his phone as soon as I was done and ran for his life.


I was tired, laying on my bed I was thinking of earlier today. It's been 3 years since I had dated someone. My last relationship didn't end on a bad note nor did it end on a good. Neither of us were focusing on our relationship and more of our careers because it was the start of my career as a reporter and I'm not gonna lie I definitely became a lot more famous than I thought I would be.

I was recognized by many tv hosts for being a good sports reporter. For my previous stationing with the sport formula 1 I travelled so much that I didn't have time to commit to anyone. Not that richarlison and I would date Ofcourse. I mean I never know but it's been awhile and now that I think of it I'm more than open to being in some thing again.

I took my notepad and wrote down a few questions I would ask the team. Atleast two of them would do really, I'm tired of doing nothing here I can't go to where they are practicing these days because my company, craver magazines and cravertv are the areas I work at  hasn't gotten me permission to enter the field either. Usually when live reporting I'm given a cameraman and what not but for now I'm just gathering information for journalists to write on their articles.

Knowing the team would be coming today at the same time as yesterday I went and stood outside a little bit earlier the possibility of them using the back entrance was high incase of the fans so I managed to walk to the back and stay there when the bus arrived and once again a few fans began to show but not too many considering it was the more private entrance of the building.

I huddled my way through and managed to speak to Lucas Paqueta, I've interviewed him a few times in my life outside of Brazil. So once I got his attention he smiled and was nice enough to answer my questions. When asked about the future of the team now he spoke about how the team had trained hard and are flying to Qatar with a full heart and Hope in God that they can bring it home.

I couldn't help but miss the other players and had no other option but to go back to my room and work with what I had. While typing out the bit I did get, a notification popped on my phone.

Hey Gab

Gab? Damn we on nickname basis?
Who is this 😂

The hottie you tried to interview yday

Oh you mean the guy that knocked on multiple doors just to find me

Yeah same hot guy

Since I'm gab to you, hello there rich

A/n : ik richarlison isn't fluent w his English but we are gonna pretend he is. My football knowledge is probably horrid so if some of the facts I have are wrong, correct me.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now