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Third person pov

"Hey rich" gabriela said with a sigh thankful that he called her back. He wasn't immediate with his response. "Explain what the fuck I saw" he said. Gabriela went from being calm and thankful to confused "what do you mean explain?"

"Stop acting stupid gabriela" he sounded mad, "I'm not acting rich, there's nothing to explain you know that's bullshit" she fought for herself knowing she didn't do anything. Scrunch her eyebrows clearly not expecting him to be saying any of this
"Do I tho?"
"There's no way you fucking believe some random people on the internet, wow you can't even trust me that much" Gabi scoffed. "No I can't gabriela, I saw the videos." She could feel
His temper from the other end of the phone.

"You saw the videos! Exactly! What was I doing wrong Richarlison. Enlighten me because all I saw was a normal person laughing at her friends jokes" gabriela yelled right back. "Friend my ass" he added, "yeah look at you being oh so mature" gab sarcastically commented. "quando foi a última vez que você o viu?" (when's the last time you saw him?) he asked sounding more calm now but not calm enough. "He was here 10 minutes ago" she honestly answered knowing he wouldn't be happy with that answer. "Ahh right" he sarcastically chuckled, "so y'all probably decided on a few lies to tell me together since you met him before even telling me about this"

"You're insane! He came because he saw it online the same time I did. And don't make it sound like I didn't try calling you so many times and you didn't pick up" her voice went from mad to vulnerable. "I didn't pick up because I was too busy with other people calling to tell me about my girlfriend who was fucking her ex again"

She sat down, she didn't say anything one of her hands rubbed her temple as she closed her eyes trying to think of how this conversation was going to end. "Why don't you believe me?" Gabriela's broken voice managed to say. "eu quero, mas há tantas evidências aqui" (I want to but there's so much evidence here)

"Rich não há nenhuma evidência em tudo" (rich there's no evidence whatsoever) she pleaded. "Believe me please I love you so much and you know that" even earlier when Neymar was here to Calm her down he said Richarlison would believe her because he knows who she am but here they were arguing about something because he just couldn't believe her.

"I know you love me gabi, but I also know you loved him a hell of a lot too" he added calming himself down aswell. "I don't love him anymore.... but honestly..." gabriela took a few seconds to think of what she was about to say and whether she should say it "if you're going to second guess my intentions I don't see why we are talking right now" Gabriela said tired of proving what she did and didn't do.

Richarlison didn't want to believe the media, he really didn't. He knew she was a good person but something bothered him about how she did love neymar at a point. In the start it wasn't something he worried about but now he realized he couldn't have a healthy relationship with someone who was so hung up over this guy until their recent dating.

"I'm sorry gabriela" he sighed. "I think we should probably stop this here.... carry on the conversation some other time" he said looking down and ending the call. Gabriela's emotions got the best of her and she began crying. She sat in the edge of her room burying her head down in her hands as muffled noises were all you could hear. About half an hour passed and neymar walked into her room wanting to check up on her.

"How'd it go?" He asked before realizing clearly it had not gone well. "Get out" gabriela sniffled but neymar walked up to her. "I'm not going to leave you here crying" he said but she looked up at him and her red stained eyes said it again "get out neymar, all of this started because you came in here. Let's not make it worse please" she pled and he shook his head.

"I don't care. If richarlison didn't believe you he's an idiot and doesn't know you" he said. She stood up and wiped her face off. "Neymar leave" she said. He refused and he looked at her, the tears she held back were still falling down her eyes. He walked up to her and comforted her in a hug which she didn't bother to push away. It comforted her. She felt calm.

"He is crazy to push you away" neymar said keeping his chin on the top of her head and rubbing her back. Neymar couldn't stand to watch her cry but little did he know that he was a main reason she cried multiple times even more than this. He never knew how much he really did hurt her and if he did he would break. He held her cheeks in his hands she looked at him, he questioned her as to why richarlison was doing this to her and she shook her head off. "I wish I knew"

"It's nothing you haven't done before" she said he confused asked her what she meant. "What do you mean?" He said his expression was daunting for an answer "Cmon Ney you hurt me way more than Richarlison has ever" Gabriela said keeping her eye contact. She didn't need to explain it to him because It rushed over him. Everything he did that in the back of his mind he knew he shouldn't have done. They would've broken her.

He felt as if he was just stabbed knowing the girl he loved so much was actually hurting throughout and after their relationship because he was immature and stupid enough not to actually appreciate the gem he had. "I'm so sorry Gabi, cometi alguns erros dos quais me arrependo" ( I made a few mistakes I regret ) he added.

"There's no point being sorry now" she said moving away and he followed her. "Hey" he pulled her hand and she turned back at him. "I know this is the worst moment to do this with all the rumors going around gabi." Gabriela understood where this was going to go from that sentence and that look he had on and she told him to leave she said she wasn't going to listen to him. she knew what was going to come from his mouth. "Listen please" he said and she avoided eye contact.

"We were toxic neymar I'm not going back to that" she said opening the door to her hotel room signaling him to leave but he stood there. "2 minutes, I'm going to say what I have to say and I'm going to leave" she looked at him pretty much saying she really didn't have a choice because he was adamant on telling her what he had to.

"We were young, we were idiots that were drunk that happened to fall for eachother from the first day we met gab. I was someone who was getting his fame and getting every girl he could want but only after I lost you I realized that I didn't want anyone but you and I made so many mistakes that I regret to this day because I didn't know how it would impact you" he said getting his emotional side to turn on. "Whenever I went through something all I wanted was to have you by my side because you always knew how to make me feel okay baby. My biggest regret is that I couldn't hold you in my arms when you were going through things and comfort you the way you did me. Now more than ever knowing I caused most of it" he took her hand into his he wasn't sure if she felt it but the spark on his finger tips were still firing.

"Neymar" she said, "no wait let me finish"

"Yes you met Richarlison, yes you were happy and I was going to learn to let you go slowly and painfully but here the guy is not even trusting you making similar mistakes I once did I'm just begging you baby one more chance and I'll make it right. Each night and day I pray that you'll be mine again. After what you've been through, what I did, it'll be hard for you to trust me again--but know it's a new me that's swallowing my pride, begging you, please-- again, I say, "please," be mine."

She looked at him, she was already in a horrible feeling with her boyfriend assuming she was a cheater and that she did what she did because she was in love with neymar. She didn't want to say anything because she didn't want all those things people said about her to be true.

"Gabriela I will wait for you, i don't need all of your time just to know you have hope for us and I believe you do already. I love your hugs, your ugly cries" she looked at him with a 'my cries aren't that ugly' look "and everything you do. I have loved you alone from the sideline for a while now, and I would love to love you now fully again if you let me."

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now