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Two weeks passed and the day had come. Gabriela was leaving to France and Richarlison was leaving to England for work in another week so either way they would've been away from eachother at some point. Gabriela managed to spend those two weeks with richarlison and also hang out with her mama and papa.

Alma and richarlison came to the airport to drop her off. "Stay safe" alma said giving her a hug and richarlison took the his hands out of his pocked and wrapped one arm around her and gave her a big kiss on her forehead. "See you soon, I love you" he said kissing her on the lips and she kissed back. "Have fun without me" gabriela winked back and he hugged her again.

She took her luggage with her and went into the airport to her gate and then onto her plane. On the way to work as the psg reporter. Now she was apart of the media team for them so her flight was paid for by them aswell. She took a deep breath as she sat there she was in for a ride.

Finding their way out and to the hotel her and a few others members form their PR team were with her. She walked in to her hotel room which was massive and she got all her things organized and decided to go out for a bit when she left her room she stood in front of the elevator which stopped infront of her opening the door to a familiar face which was Neymar's mother

"Gabriela?" Nadine spoke. "Mae" Gabriela replied as a habit of calling her that. "Where are you going?" She asked as She walked into the elevator. "Nowhere just getting some air" she smiled.

"Oh! Please come up to my room I haven't spoke to you in a while would love to catch up"

"Oh no I'm fine" Gabriela declined the offer. "Please dear, I have been stuck in this place to visit neymar and I have no one to talk to. Rafaella isn't here yet either" the woman continuously begged and Gabriela just agreed and went ahead with it. She walked into neymars mothers hotel room which was a suite almost like it's own apartment. It was huge.

Gabriela took a seat as Nadine bought her a cup of coffee and she softly smiled taking it because she'd never reject a cup of coffee. "How's life lately Gabriela?" Nadine asked her and she took a sip of her coffee. "Pretty good I'm not going to lie. I have a boyfriend and I'm pretty happy" you would expect her ex's mom to react in a different way to that point but Nadine didn't. "Oh good! I'm so happy for you"

neymars mother was religious and Gabriela was the one girl neymar had that she loved because of her religious side as well. She didn't breach much into Gabis personal life but she did ask a few questions. "Neymar is with bruna Isn't he?" Gabriela added trying to stop talking about her, "oh her? I don't know I've met her once or twice. He's not that serious she's like a rebound girl" gabi nodded " he doesn't look at her the way he used to look at you"

What she said clearly made the atmosphere a bit awkward but they both pushed it away quickly changing conversation. Gabriela hadn't got much time talking to her mother. She did Ofcourse but never over spoke knowing her mother is going through so much with their father so when talking to Mae she felt like she was at home and talking to her own mother about life.

They spoke for a good hour and Gabriela decided it was enough and got up to leave she thanked Nadine for having her and said goodbye

The door to the place opened and neymar walked in. "Mae!" He said and both his mother and Gabriela looked towards the door. His eyes immediately made mark on the girl talking to his mother. He was shocked or confused you could say both and Gabriela looked down for a second and then looked back up. "Why are you here?" he asked referring to why she was in France. "Work" she replied in one word

"Oh you're the reporter!" He said with a smile and she softly nodded. His mother walked away from these two and their conversation. "I'm going to get going" gab said walking towards the door. "No stay" he offered but she said no sharply. She looked at him for a second. "Neymar I'm going to be here for awhile and I want you to promise me no silly shit okay. I'm happy with Richarlison and I'd like life to stay that way" she sternly made her point.

"Okay. Just friends" he said looking down at her with a smirk. She squinted her eyes at his smirk and held her pinky up "pinky promise?" She asked and he chuckled. "Pinky promise" he said tangling his pinky with hers and she satisfied took her hand away. "Good" smiling she left the room.

Neymar was slightly hurt with what she said about her life with richarlison but he decided everything was for the best.

The next morning was the match PSG vs Strasbourg. Gabriela left with the team and the rest of the PR team and made her way to the front of the stadium. As the game started the videographers we're documenting it. Marquinhos scoring for PSG the crowd was cheering happily. Neymar Jr within two minutes received two yellow cards resulting in the final red.

Gabriela faced the camera and spoke a few words about the game and then Marquinhos was in the frame as she asked him about todays game and he spoke. She nodded to his answers and asked him a few more questions. Once he was over he left and the camera was still rolling because the camera guy was trying to fix his angles. Neymar looked at gabriela doing her job, he drank some water still his eyes on her and then when his teammates left he went with them too.

He agreed to letting her be but he wasn't sure if he could continue to stand by that.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now