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Gabriela's pov

I'm giving up on neymar. Let him do whatever with his life honestly. I'm cutting off all ties with him and going to be with richarlison because I'm tired of being hung up on someone who can replace me in a minute.

Alma ordered Some food for the night and she made sure I was not all sad and Sobby anymore and I could never have asked God for a better best friend. We put on some romcom movies and laughed the night away.

By the time I woke up my tear stained eyes were just a thought I wouldn't go back to. I was going to live in the moment with nothing to worry about. So I called richarlison and asked him if he was free and he said he was, I drove to his place and told him that we were going to go on a road trip for only 2 days to a small hotel just for the two of us to have a fun time away from work, media and people that I don't need in my life right now.

"I have work day after princesa as long as I return before 5pm I'm good" the tall man said packing a pair of clothes in to a backpack and throwing it into my car. "That's cool. I don't really know where we are going. Just going to drive away" I said and he put on his seatbelt immediately "Deus, como eu sei se você está me sequestrando?" (gosh how do I know if your abducting me) richarlison joked. "Eu sou" (I am) I retorted. "no começo foi engraçado, agora estou com medo" (it was funny at first, now I'm scared) I couldn't help but laugh. "Be scared seu pombo" (you pigeon)

"I hate you" he said eyeing me but as I turned the radio on and the Brazilian music played richarlison started doing what he is famous for the 'pombo' celebration. I laughed harder as my eyes shut and my ugly laugh just fell out of my mouth and my handle on the car slightly twitched "idiota! Don't kill me" richarlison said putting his hand on the steering wheel.

"I'm not going to kill you R" I said calming him down a bit but he was still terrified. No but I understand why he would do that because I'm not the best driver.  It had been a few hours of us driving and richarlison offered to take the wheel since he could tell I was sleepy because it got a bit darker

Taking him up on the offer I went to the passenger seat and immediately fell asleep. When I woke up we were in a small motel a shirtless richarlison sat on the bed watching some television. I felt bad knowing he had to carry me from the car to this motel and I didn't even wake up. "I wanted you and I to have a good time but I fell asleep for so long didnt I?" I said my lips pressed together in disappointed. He looked at me and then put the tv remote down "I had an amazing time" he said with a smile.

"Unless your amazing time was watching me sleep richarlison, I don't think you did" I said moving a bit next to him. " we can go get some dinner somewhere around here" he said putting his arm over me and rubbing my shoulder with his thumb. Since I was wearing a tank top my bare skin feeling his strong hand. "Where are we even?" I asked and he raised his shoulders. "No clue baby I just drove"

"Idiota" I said laying my head on his chest for a few minutes as his movie was almost over. "I didn't understand the ending" I said looking up at him. "You didn't even watch half the movie, I don't expect you to" richarlison got out of the bed taking his purse and wearing his tshirt and I did feel my stomach grumble so followed.

We walked up and down the neighborhood not seeing that many people but even the people we did see seemed very shady. I held onto his arm as we walked into a diner which had quite a few families eating and waiters walking up and down giving them their dinner. The atmosphere made me feel better about the place we were in.

The two of us sat down. the waitress walked up to us asking for our order and they both looked through the menus ordering some food. "ele parece bom não é?" (he looks good doesn't he?) i looked at the waitress who was admiring richarlison. She looked at me and so did richarlison, rich wanted to laugh I could tell. She just awkwardly walked away with our order.

"Possessive" richarlison said winking, "nope, just agreeing with her type." I said. "Oh so I look good, don't I?" he raised his eyebrows. I imitated him and he smiled. "You're so cute" he said when the bell hung on top of the door of the diner rang as the door interrupting us. Being right next to the door I looked at this man who wore a hoodie up walk in but I turned back and looked at richarlison.

"I'm so hungry" I added looking at him when suddenly we heard a bang. A few screams of people and richarlison immediately moved into my booth and pulled me under the table being familiar with the sound of the gunshot. I looked at him as my hands began shivering and everything I heard was muffled because the last thing I saw was people screaming and hiding under their own tables or moving away from the man who stood infront of the cashier with a gun in his hand.

As if I couldn't breathe suddenly I tightened my lips trying not to make a sound as Richarlison's hands wrapped around me he whispered into my ear "shhh" as my tears began rolling down my cheeks while the man with the gun yelled to the people there releasing two more bullets and I flinched at both sounds.

Even as richarlisons lips stayed pressed against my ear the little bit of breath that released from  his mouth scared every part of me. "Gabriela, the door is right there. When I count to three we are going to run okay" he said but I shook my head no. I can't do that, I can't do it soon enough. I haven't lived life yet and here I am either going to die by staying inside this place or die trying to escape.

"Baby you need to listen to me, I'm right behind you" he said again. "WHO THE FUCK IS TALKING" the man screamed shooting one more bullet to the roof of the place as a few shouts came out of some mouths. The man continued to say some words. "Three" I shook my head no but he continued "two...one!" When he opened his mouth for the one I immediately on instinct ran knowing that I could trust Richarlison.

As I ran I heard him follow behind me but with that I heard a sound of another gunshot as the both of us ran out and richarlison grabbed me by the hand and went hiding behind the place. We heard the door open again and richarlison pushed me against the wall his finger on my lips so that I wouldn't make a noise. I looked at his hand and there was blood on it and my eyes widened.

About 5 minutes of staying like that following richarlison we walked with caution to our motel. I didn't know what to say as i stood in our motel room when richarlison threw his stuff back in the backpack and dragging me by the hand he got into my vehicle and began driving away.

"R....R! you're bleeding" i said and he looked at his shirt as the bullet had ricocheted through his skin. "I'm okay we need to get out of this place" he said driving off. I didn't know what else to say because I was still recovering from what I had just experienced. But him, he seemed to react as if it was normal

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now