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Rich...yeah I can work with that
But I'd prefer you call me something else Linda

I'm not even going to ask what

Yeah, we'll leave that for later
How was your day?

It's okay, work problems.

What's the issue ?

I was supposed to interview atleast two people today
But I only managed to get paqueta

I'm down
Ask me anything 😉

Are you fr? I don't want it to feel like I'm
Using this friendship for my benefit

Trust me you're good
Now open your door


Just open it

Richarlison's pov

I was standing outside her door waiting for her to open it. Yesterday when I was at practice and couldn't be on my A game I was more frustrated than I could've ever been. I didn't feel like talking to anyone but when this one girl decided to point out the fact that I was in a mood I looked up to one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen. She was so casually dressed and didn't seem to want to impress me in anyway and that just made me like her more.

She has been on my mind since then and every chance I get I try to talk to her or well see her at Least. So I decided to show up at the door of her hotel room. It was pretty big, not as big as the ones we got for being a part of the national team Ofcourse. It was a comfortable amount of space

When she opened the door she stood there in a tank top with a messy bun and sweat pants. Her takeout food on a table and her laptop open on the bed. "You were busy I see?" I asked looking at her "not really just handling the articles a bit" she said getting onto the bed as I sat on a chair nearby.

"Shoot your questions" I said and she looked at me. "Okay yes, what's it been like the past few months on training?" She asked. "The team is one família, working with my idols from the past and people who are so much like each-other has been a wonderful experience. é uma vibe incrível." (It's an amazing vibe)
I told her as she noted them down on her laptop. She seemed so focused on what she was doing and it was just adorable to me.

She shot me a few more questions and I answered them, "how old are you?" I asked her and she looked up at me. "I thought I was the one asking the questions" she smiled. "Not anymore. 5questions each, you ask me I ask you. None of them should be work related tho" I said standing up and taking a seat on the other side of the bed.

"22" she answered, I nodded and looked at her indicating it was her turn to ask and she closed her laptop and kept it aside. "Why were you in a mood yesterday?" She asked, "i wasn't playing my best at practice. I could've done better and I was mad at myself" I answered quickly but before she could say anything I retorted. "Are you single?" She laughed, "wouldn't you like to know"

"I would really that's why I'm asking"

"yes I am"

Mentally I was celebrating. "Okay my turn, ....do you speak English my friend" she asked with a huge grin on her face reminding me of that one press conference I had and I playfully pushed her and she began laughing, "shut up" I rolled my eyes.

"Do you like football?" I asked her and she thought for sometime, "to a certain level I guess" I nodded back, "uhhhhhh" she was thinking about another question and she really looked adorable while doing it, "do you like children?" She asked, I smirked "why do you want to make one?"

"I'm not answering that" she raised her eyebrows slightly shocked by my confidence. "That's four questions for you richarlison" she added, "no wait you didn't answer that so it doesn't count" I threw my hands up. "Okay fine"

"What was with the accent switch up yesterday?" I was curious. "I grew up in America and moved here when I was 17, sometimes naturally my accent slips up" she explained. "Do you have any crazy exes?" She asked me, "nope, not yet." I laughed. "One last question rich, think wisely" she added.

I smiled and moved up to her slightly, "can I kiss you?" Almost whispering the words out she looked into my eyes. "Moving a little fast aren't we" before I could say anything my phone began ringing. Fuck.

Gabriela's pov

"mano onde esta voce!" (Bro where are you!) I heard someone scream from the opposite end of richarlison's phone. He stood up and left the bed and went towards the door. "relaxe, fui tomar um ar fresco. eu vou estar lá" (relax, I went to get some fresh air. I will be there) he said after he ended the call. "desculpe gab, eu tenho que ir" (sorry gab I have to go) he said coming over to me and kissing my forehead before leaving the room.

It took me a few seconds to register what had Just happened. I smiled at the moment where his lips touched my forehead and touched the spot where it did. A sudden shock hit me when my phone started to vibrate

mamá ❤️ calling...

I sighed as I took the phone to my hand. "Hola mamá" I spoke first. "Gabriela, aren't you coming home this weekend? Your papa has been asking why our only daughter hasn't come to visit us these days. Your brother was here" she went on and on, "mamá I have work these days. I wish I could come really" I said rubbing my forehead. As much as I love my family I have much to do these days. "Gabriela how about next week" she began listing out her plans. "Mamá I'm leaving to Qatar next week, I was moved to Football remember" I reminded her about what my job had in store and she sighed deeply. "Oh, lo olvidé. No me digas que planeas encontrar a otro jugador de fútbol." (Oh, I forgot. Don't tell me you plan to find another football player.) She spoke in Spanish.

I shook my head, "I'll drop by tomorrow if I can. Should be able to before going home to pack"
"Okay then, I'll see you. Te amo" she concluded. "te amo mamá"

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now