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It's been a month, Richarlison was the most supportive baby daddy. Even though they weren't together he managed to come visit her being the food she likes and make sure she's feeling okay. He'd sit by her as she threw up and he'd help her clean up and treated her like she was a little kid.

Gabriela hated pregnancy once she started feeling the pain of being sick and losing appetite sometimes gaining more appetite everything was so hard to control and she disliked it but knowing there was a little her or a little Richarlison, she was excited.  Rich managed to keep her sane through all of this and she thanked him so much Apart from him Alma managed to run around with work and taking care of her pregnant roommate too. 

Gabriela felt so pampered and spoiled. Gabriela hadn't told her parents yet. She wanted to meet them in person and tell them but she couldn't get herself to do it. Not that they won't be okay with it. They would love to know that they're grandparents to their daughters children too. Since Luis already has Bruno and surely  camila and Luis would love to know that Bruno is going to have a cousin. Richarlison had already told Kettima and Rian who were so excited to be an aunty and uncle

His mother was happy. At least Gabriela thought she was. Going to see her she was terrified reminding her of the first time she met her but the lady had grown into gabi. She was clearly someone who was going to be in her son's life and she had to accept it sooner or later so she did and that was important to Gabriela

One night watching a few movies gabriela stayed awake but she was wondering why her usual company at that time of the night didn't talk to her that day. Richarlison that is. She decided to ring him and see if he was okay but he didn't pick his phone up either This worried her a bit. She waited for sometimes before a unmown number began calling and she picked up

"Hello?" Gabriela unsure said, "hi, Gabriela?" The person on the other end said. It was one of richarlisons friends. "Yeah is everything good?" She asked concerned. "Well yeah but Richarlison has a little much to drink and the guy won't let anyone touch him without yelling at them and he won't even talk to us unless he's calling for you so I was wondering if you would be able to pick him up or something. Most of us are leaving and we can't leave him alone you know"

Gabriela pushed her hair behind her ear "yep yeah I'm sorry. I'll be there in a bit " she said tying her hair up into a bun and in a long PJ and tank top putting on her slides looking effortlessly sweet and cute she went to pick him up. She went their as soon as possible and outside the place Richarlison sat near As soon as he saw her he couldn't even walk straight but he managed to reach where she was

"I'm sorry gab" he said mumbling and bending down to his knees almost sitting on the floor. "Let's go rich" she said her hand on his shoulder. "You're so pretty" he smiled looking up and her. "Why'd you drink so much?" she asked. "I'm sad" he said. He stood up and towered over her before she could say anything he hugged her, his face making its way to the crook of her neck "why are you sad?" She knew he was wasted confused but rubbing his back while the hug continued, he slowly broke it as he moved to look at her.

"I don't want to lose the two of you" he said a tear streaming down Richarlison's face. He managed to go back on his knees. "You won't, I promise" Gabriela bent and kissed his head. He kept his hand on her atomach giving it a quick kiss. "Daddy loves you" he said and Gabriela smiled looking down at him and their unborn child. "That's very english of you" she added. "Pai or Papai then?"
"I was kidding, your choice"

"Fix that face of yours, we're going home" Gabriela said getting into the vehicle and he followed. "Do you want a girl or a boy?" He asked, "uh I'm going to be happy with either"
"No but deep down tell me" he said, "girl" she said looking at him. He said that he wanted a boy and both of them said again that they changed their minds and want the opposite. They were young and excited. They were going to be parents. Happily they got a long as friends or coparents. Romantically not involved.

Gabriela told him that he needed to come with her because she was going to see her parents the next day to tell them the good news and when she looked at him he had fallen asleep on the passenger seat. She shook her head, once she was at her house Richarlison managed to walk his way to the guest room and fall asleep there.

The next morning Gabriela woke up, oh how the tables turned when she was the one trying to get Richarlison to wake up and he groaned every time she tapped him telling him they were going to go to meet her parents. "Richarlison!" She tried and somehow managed to wake the guy up. They stopped at his apartment for him to get dressed and freshened up.

He told her that he was going to drive and she follows him to his car as they made their way to Gabriela's old home. "Mama!" Gabriela said walking inside with a box in her hands. Her mother knew that Richarlison and Gabi weren't together anymore. Gabriela told camila, camila told Luis, luis told his mother. "Gabriela!" Mama came to gabriela with a smile. She looked at Gabi's hands where she held the box "que tenemos aqui?" (what do you have here?) she asked and gabi looked at Richarlison.

Her mama then looked confused at Richarlison, asking them if they were together again, they denied it. "But we have something for you" she said giving the gift to her mothers hand as she took it. She walked to the table and left it there opening the cover she took a tshirt onto her hands. 'I'm going to be a grandmother, again!' It said and she looked at the 'again' which was hand written with a marker under the tshirt they had cheaply bought just to give the news.

"I know I'm old gabriela, getting me a tshirt saying grandmother is- wait a minute. mi hija esta embarazada" (my daughter is pregnant?!) she said eyes glimmering as she ran up to gabi hugging her right as gabi smiled satisfied with her mothers reaction. "Oh, el bebé también tiene un padre guapo. ¡ven aquí! Felicidades" (oh the baby has good looking father also. Come here! Congratulations) Mama hugged Richarlison and he smiled thanking her.

Her papa was in a home for the elderly, Gabs mom thought of her husband and how happy he would've been to know that his daughter was having a child which he never managed to see. He always loved his daughter and treated her like a flower. He didn't know how much she had grown now and that made both of them emotional.

After spending some time with her mother who was going all motherly started telling both of them how to raise the child and giving them things she had when her kids were smaller. She was so excited. Luis and camila were coming over with Bruno that night and when they did they were confused to see Richarlison here. Mama was told not to say a word, they looked at the two new parents with no clue when gabi said there was something special in the oven.

"What?" Luis said and Bruno ran to the oven in the kitchen opening it and seeing a loaf of bread. There was an old saying That meant if you're pregnant it was called or said 'bread in the oven'. "It's just bread papa" the boy screamed and camila took a second before covering her mouth with her hands understanding what it meant.

Luis was slow as usual, " I don't get it" he said when camila came and hugged his sister. "Yeah I know, that's why there's something else in the oven too" he went and checked and below the load of bread was a picture of their sonogram. "Holt shit! My sister is having a kid. With a footballer?!" He said immaturely going up to them and hugging richarlison first and rich laughed. "Congratulations sis" he hugged her too. "You're going to be a big cousin Bruno" camila said to her son as the family celebrated.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now