Final - Alternate ending

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6 Years later

"MAMA!" Rafael, Gabriela's and Richarlison's 4 year old son ran up to her. Screaming on the verge of tears as her husband followed behind. "What's wrong?" Gabi bent down to Rafael's level and looked at her son who was a perfect mix of both her and Richarlison. "Papa-" "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING" richarlison cut the boy off defending himself.

"Let him speak" Gabriela sternly scolded richarlison pointing a finger at him. "He took the last chocolate mami" Rafael cried in his mother's arms. Letting his tears out and covering his face in Gabi's tshirt hugging onto her tightly. She looked at richarlison who threw his hands up "I didn't know you wanted it!" He yelled back immaturely.

"R! How could you do that to Rafa" she sarcastically said rubbing Rafael's head as he began crying louder. "Mami you should not be friendly with papa again" The boy murmured. "Yes baby you're right" She said. "What no! Hey that's unfair" Richarlison groaned. "No more kisses for papai" Gabriela said and he panicked.

"Wha- he doesn't even like dark chocolate!"

Rafael slowly turned around and sniffled, "it was dark chocolate?" He asked innocently pulling away from the hug. "Yes!?" richarlison answered. "Oh, I thought they were milky ones" a cheeky little smile appeared on his face as he wiped his tears off. "And you were going to get your mommy angry with me over that!" Richarlison said carrying the boy and throwing his over his shoulders.

"mami" 9 year old Emilia came up to her mom with a book from school. She had been doing her homework and she just managed to finish it, "can we please go out now I want to ride my bicycle" she pleaded. "Bicycle!" Rafael screamed when he heard his sister. "Hm, papai do you think Emi has been good enough to go out to the park today?" Gabriela asked. "Papai please please please" Emilia ran up to her father who still held her brother on his shoulder.

"Yes Ofcourse" He said putting Rafael down. Emilia looked at her mother who nodded with a smile and she ran to get her things ready. "She really is a little version of you. I can't say no to her" Richarlison said and Rafael too ran to his mommy. Emilia was more of a Daddy's girl and Rafael was more of a Mamá's boy. Richarlison went out to put both the kids bicycles on their car top and he got in the drivers seat as the family followed behind.

"Guys when I say it's time to leave the park, we need to leave. Okay? No crying to stay longer" Gabriela said looking back at Emilia who nodded. As they drove to the park Rich's hands layed on Gabi's and he would stroke it.

They reached the place and Rafael just rode in circles right next to them while Emilia went down a path which was not too far so that her parents could keep an eye on her. She made a few friends in the place and was talking to them while Richarlison and Gabriela just spent time with eachother and their 4 year old. "I want to go with her!" Rafael pleaded to go ride with his sister and her friend but Gabi said no taking a seat on the park bench, he was too small to go that distance. He groaned "que vadia" (what a bitch) the boy said and Gabriela raised an eyebrow and her jaw dropped. Richarlison who stood next to the boy and his bicycle wasn't paying attention and was on his phone instead.

"Excuse me?" She asked him sternly and now his expressions were not the same. He was scared all of a sudden, keeping in mind he was only 4. "Vadia" he repeated softly. "Say that again Rafael, I dare you" Gabriela was a strict mom when it came to certain things and now she seemed as if she was fuming. The boy terrified ran to his father. "Who the hell told you it was okay to say that?" She questioned him and he hugged Richarlison's legs with puppy dog eyes scared of his mama.

Clinging onto rich he bawled his eyes out. Emilia was such a calm and easy baby, well not all the time but taking care of a boy was so much harder because this little man always wanted to do what he wasn't supposed to. "Hey hey why the crying" Richarlison carried him.

Rafael pointed at me and continued to cry. Gabi stood and walked up to them "Can I ask why he called me a-" before she could continue the little one said. "Papai says it all the time!"

Richarlison was clueless he didn't know what they were talking about. Gabriela's jaw drops. "What? What do I say?" Richarlison asked nervously. Richarlison kept the little one on the grass where he then stood with his finger in his mouth watching his parents. "You're dead" Gabriela squinted her eyes. "Run papai!" The little one had stopped crying now and he watched as his mother chased his father who was obviously faster. Richarlison faced her and ran backwards and Gabriela hated what a show off he was.

Rafael jumped up and down in laughter, "you find this funny do you?" gabi joked as she detoured and ran to her son and carried him up. "You naughty naughty boy! The next time I catch you saying that mami is going to be angry with you forever. Do you want that Rafa?" She asked and he shook his head no. "Can you chase papai again?" He laughed as he saw Richarlison returning. "And you! R what have you been saying about me to our son?" She asked.

"That you're the smartest, prettiest and hottest mami in the world" he said giving her a kiss on her cheek. "Hmm que tal me chamar de vadia" (what about calling me a bitch?) he scratched the back of his neck nervously, talvez "apenas uma vez" (maybe just once)
"Liar papai"
"RAFAEL" he said to his son who kept outing him and Rafa laughed.

Their daughter came running towards the three of them. She called out for her papai. "A boy gave me something" she smiled with a candy ring in her hand. "A boy gave that to you?" Richarlisons eyes shot up and she nodded. "He said he wanted to talk to you" she added. Gabi watched what was unraveling in front of her intently with a small smile on. Childhood love, not even close to what love actually is but just cute stuff in general.

Richarlison on the other hand took this very seriously, the little boy looked at rich "hello" he whispered and Emilia held his hand with a smile. "Oh hell no" Richarlison said and Gabi lightly tapped his hand. "It's cute" she said but he shook his head. "Cute? Gabriela they're 9!" He faces the kid, "what did you want to talk to me about" he asked and the kid stuttered. "I love your daughter" he said and gabriela tried to hold a laugh looking at richarlisons reaction.

Silence, rich was in shock. "Why?" He asked nonchalantly. "Uh..uhm...well because she's pretty" the boy said and Richarlison rolled his eyes and threw his hands. Gabriela took it from here, "hi what's you're name?" She asked and the boy responded with less of a terrified tone. She spoke to him for a little while and said, "we are going to get going, Emi say bye to your friend" Gabriela smiled and they said their goodbyes before making it back to the vehicle.

"I hope she never sees him again" The father spoke and the mother laughed.

They went home and had dinner, Rafael and his father watched a football match on the laptop and Emilia fell asleep early.

(Imagine it's Rafael and rich)

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(Imagine it's Rafael and rich)

The rest of the Andrade's lives where full of ups and downs. The rollercoaster of a journey which both Richarlison and Gabriela spent together and she didn't regret for a second the decisions she made and neither did he. They were the happiest family of four. On the days their papai played in the field Gabriela would take them and go to see him signing everyone's shirts and pictures. When his own children too stood their asking their father for an autograph he felt as if the his entire world was here in his presence in the form of three people.

His wife, daughter and son.

The end.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now